Chapter 454 Poisoning 1
It really looks like a ghost crawling out of hell.

Hearing nothing, Ye Ruping quietly looked at Ye Rumu with eyes that she didn't dare to look at.

But he saw Ye Rumu move towards him step by step, his face was expressionless, and there was still a little blood on the corner of his lips.

"You! Don't come here! Did you hear me, let me tell you, don't come here!" Ye Ruping broke down and shouted.

The current Ye Rumu is no different from a ghost who climbed up from hell to collect debts, making Ye Ruping completely collapse and shout.

But no matter how Ye Ruping yelled, Ye Rumu didn't intend to stop.

"I won't be polite if you come here again!" Ye Ruping gritted her teeth and said viciously.

If Ye Rumu insists on doing something to her, then don't blame her for being rude!

"You, what do you want, why are you so impolite?" Ye Rumu sneered.

The bright red blood stains coupled with that bright smile are really scary!
Ye Ruping framed her again and again, trying to put her to death, and at this time she came to add insult to injury.Ye Rumu squinted her eyes. Since Ye Ruping is so capable, I really feel sorry for Ye Ruping for not letting her deal with the dead.

"Aren't you amazing? My good sister." Ye Rumu felt much better now, and his speech became smoother, asking Ye Ruping in a slightly threatening tone.

"I..." Ye Ruping didn't know what to say, Ye Rumu was useless, but why was she so afraid of Ye Rumu?
I don't know how many times stronger than Ye Rumu!
Ye Ruping thought, feeling a little annoyed!
How could I be so ashamed just now!
I don't know why, but when I saw Ye Rumu, I felt a kind of fear in my heart!
"What did you do to me just now?!" Ye Ruping asked angrily.

Yes, it should be what Ye Rumu did to her just now, otherwise how could she be afraid of Ye Rumu?
Is this a joke?She was the only one who bullied Ye Rumu since she was a child, when was she ever afraid?
Although Ye Rumu is a legitimate daughter, she is bullying and afraid of being tough, and she dare not tell her father, so she is even more confident.Ye Rumu's identity has only changed now, could it be even more powerful?
Thinking about it, Ye Ruping didn't have so much fear of Ye Rumu anymore.

Suppressing the unexplainable fear of Ye Rumu deep in his heart, he shouted angrily: "What are you trying to do? Hehe, you still want to scare me? I'm not afraid of you! Come here if you have the ability!"

Ye Ruping didn't retreat anymore, she just stood there and waited for Ye Rumu to come over.

Her face was full of sarcasm, she felt that if she stopped and was not frightened by Ye Rumu's pretentiousness, Ye Rumu must not dare to come again.

If she still dares to come, Ye Ruping will never let her go!
Ye Rumu was a little surprised to see Ye Ruping stop, but Ye Ruping could stand the scare quite well.

However, Ye Rumu really didn't want to let Ye Ruping go this time!

There was a faint smile on his face, although he was smiling, there was a gloomy feeling.

She was a reborn ghost!
Seeing Ye Rumu's smile, Ye Ruping's heart became even more frightened, but nothing showed on her face.

For Ye Rumu, I don't understand why there is a kind of fear from the bottom of my heart. Obviously, this is Ye Rumu who is allowed to be rounded and flattened by her!
Because her body was gradually eroded by the poison, Ye Rumu's eyes were already in a trance, but she could bear the pain.

(End of this chapter)

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