Chapter 465 Poisoning 12
Yunying couldn't bear to let Yunying play from the bottom of her heart.

But thinking of Gu Xiner...

He knew he shouldn't have such emotions.

Yun Ying took Ye Xiaoye and left Ye Mansion directly.

Ye Xiaoye was puzzled, this had already left her grandfather's house.

Asked strangely: "Uncle, where are we going? Aren't father and mother at grandfather's house?"

"Well, not here. They have something to do, they have already gone out, we are going to look for them outside." Yun Ying replied to Ye Xiaoye's words, feeling extremely guilty in her heart, but she knew that she could not feel guilty, since she decided to do this matter From the beginning, it should be done to the end.

"Oh." Ye Xiaoye nodded half understanding.

At the same time, I felt so wronged, mother and father went out, but they didn't bring him with them?And he didn't know anything about it.

"Where did they go? What are they going to do? Why don't you even tell me, it's so annoying!" Ye Xiaoye pursed his lips and muttered, his tone was full of dissatisfaction and a little pitiful.

After hearing this, Yunying couldn't help comforting him: "Don't think too much, they just have something to do and they can't get away temporarily, so they didn't tell you, but didn't they send uncle to you? I saw your father and mother."

As Yunying said this, the guilt in his heart grew bigger and bigger. After all, he won't be able to see anyone later, and everything he said was a lie.

"So that's the case, hehe, actually, I didn't blame my father and mother. They must have been too anxious, so they didn't have time to call me, or they didn't want me to be in danger, and they couldn't bear to wake me up when I fell asleep. My mother loves me very much, although he always said that I bought mung bean cakes, and so did my father, hehe, I will not blame them, how can I still be greedy with such good parents What! Thinking that many uncles and aunts don’t have parents, I feel so happy! Uncle, don’t you think so?” Ye Xiaoye never blamed Ye Rumu, she was his dearest mother, no matter what he did There is a reason for everything.

She will not abandon him.

"Yes, you are much happier than Uncle." Listening to Ye Xiaoye speaking for Ye Rumu and Baili Yao in a sensible way, there was an idea in her heart to confess everything and the truth to him.

But he knew he couldn't do that.

So I could only resist this thought.

"Why, uncle, did your father and mother treat you badly?" Ye Xiaoye tilted her head, looked at Yunying's side face, and asked suspiciously.

Don't they all say that father and mother are the best people for children?

Why does Uncle Yunying say that he is not happy?

"Hehe!" Yunying shook her head with a chuckle, not knowing what to say to Ye Xiaoye.

Ye Xiaoye's world is too simple.

In the end, Yunying just said: "Uncle has no father and mother, and has been an orphan since he was a child. Therefore, Xiaoye has more blessings than Uncle and I, so we must cherish it."

"Ah! I'm sorry, Uncle, I didn't know that you don't have a father and mother, why not? How about I share my father and mother with you?" After Ye Xiaoye apologized, he proposed cautiously, for fear of hurting you. cloud shadow.

Seeing him facing her so cautiously, the guilt in Yunying's heart grew bigger and bigger.

I don't know what I'm doing now, what's the reason for this attachment?

(End of this chapter)

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