Chapter 469 Poisoning 16
The daughter is like this, and she still has the mood to hook up with her father!

However, seeing Mrs. Zhang crying for so long, Ye Rumeng sighed, mother is not easy.

That's all, as long as it makes mother feel better, it's nothing.

"Father, sister..." Ye Rumeng shouted hesitantly.

Ye Wensheng raised his hand to stop what Ye Rumeng was going to say next, and said lightly: "Okay, don't talk about it, I already know it all."

Ye Rumeng lowered her head again, without saying anything, and sat on the side to lower her sense of existence.

Ye Rumeng has always been like this, unobtrusive, and now the audience's attention is on Ye Ruping, so naturally they won't pay attention to her.

Ye Rumeng sometimes envies Ye Ruping very much, it is very pleasing to have so many people's attention.

Ye Rumeng was even thinking, if he was lying on this bed, would they care about him so much?
Will daddy leave the third sister who also had an accident to see her?Will mother give up telling her elder sister behind her back that Ye Rumu deserved it, and cry for herself like this?
Ye Rumeng didn't know, because it wasn't her who had the accident.

But he knew very well in his heart that Mrs. Zhang would not, maybe, Ye Wensheng would not either!

What Ye Wensheng cares most about is Ye Rumu, or the big sister who can please people, and his mother... Hehe, when did my mother like me who is cowardly and cowardly?

But they don't know that they are not cowardly, but just talk less.

At least, from Ye Rumeng's own point of view, otherwise, in the Li Mansion where there are many wives and concubines, how can she stand still without children?
Has no one thought about it?Or in other words, they all thought she was a fool, a lucky one?
No, but no matter how good they are, they will never see themselves in their eyes!

Jealousy!Yes, Ye Rumeng hates Ye Ruping and Ye Rumu very much, or, before, the jealousy in her heart was not obvious, but now that kind of strong anger is filling her heart.

They don't pay attention to themselves?That's okay, anyway, it's been like this for so many years, but she doesn't want Ye Ruping to feel better!
Ye Wensheng and Mrs. Zhang didn't know when the daughter who had always looked down on her didn't know when there was such a strong resentment in her heart.

What's more, Ye Rumeng, who was originally gentle and kind, already had terrible thoughts in his heart.

Ye Rumeng's lowered face was expressionless, which was not the usual expression that Ye Rumeng would have.

The doctor walked to the bed and was shocked when he saw Ye Ruping on the bed!

God!It's really...

The doctor's complexion is not very good-looking, but what can be done, if you don't like it, you have to look at it.

"Ling Qianjin hurt like this... I'm afraid it's..." The doctor said with a bad face.

"Doctor, what's the problem?" Marven Ye asked nervously.

Hearing what the doctor said, Mrs. Zhang burst into tears again, probably thinking that Ye Ruping was going to have trouble.

"It's not a problem. It's just that I can't treat the injured part of the eldest lady. I also asked Patriarch Ye to call a maid. I will direct the maid to do it through the curtain." The doctor expressed his concerns.

The part where Ye Ruping was injured was her chest. If I saw it, how would Ye Ruping behave in the future?

What's more, this girl's husband's family is still an official, how dare the doctor offend her!
(End of this chapter)

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