Chapter 473 Poisoning 20
Stronger, will be better in the future. "Ye Ruqing murmured, her voice was so soft that only she could hear it.

Ye Rumeng walked into the yard, just in time to hear the doctor say inside: "Miss just lost a lot of blood, and there is no other problem, it is not a serious problem, please don't worry too much, Master Ye, auntie. Just eat on time Medicine, given time, will fully recover."

Hearing what the doctor said, Ye Wensheng and Mrs. Zhang breathed a sigh of relief. They were worried all night, and finally everything was fine.

But Mrs. Zhang was not completely relieved, and hurriedly asked: "Then doctor, the eldest lady suffered such a serious injury, will there be sequelae in the future? Can the body fully recover? Is there anything else that needs to be paid attention to?"

Listening to the words inside, Ye Rumeng fell into the memories of the past again.

The words inside could no longer be heard clearly, she only remembered that many years ago, when she had a fever, she was so feverish that she became confused.

The doctor came and prescribed medicine for her, and after seeing the doctor, Mrs. Zhang sent him away to see Ye Ruping.

Howe ignored him when he was sick.

Not to mention, it will still be like this, and I still need to be warm, so I have to ask.

Ye Rumeng felt that she was a little ridiculous. She didn't fight or grab before, and felt that as long as it was her own, it would be her own.

In the end, she didn't fight or grab, she didn't own anything, and in the end, she was always alone.

Ye Rumeng even thought, if one day, Ye Ruping made a mistake, they would push themselves to take the blame?

Ye Rumeng couldn't imagine.

Ye Rumeng no longer wants to imagine the harmonious appearance inside.

For themselves, in their eyes, there is only dullness, no fighting or grabbing, no crying or making trouble, no matter what happens, they will always look indifferent.

Probably they feel that no matter what they do to themselves.There will be no reaction at all.

"Second sister, what are you thinking here? Let's go in quickly?" Ye Ruqing asked when she saw Ye Rumeng standing there in a daze as soon as she came up.

Ye Rumeng came back to her senses, glanced at Ye Ruqing, and replied: "Nothing, let's go in."

"Okay." Ye Ruqing nodded, and went in with Ye Rumeng.

As soon as Ye Rumeng entered, she saw the haggard Mrs. Zhang lying beside Ye Ruping's bed, talking about Ye Ruping's childhood.

In the past, if Ye Rumeng asked Zhang Shi to tell her about her childhood, Zhang Shi was always very impatient, and the excuse was too long, and she no longer understood.

now what?Hehe, she was able to talk about Ye Ruping's childhood very fluently.

"Mother, don't be too sad, sister is fine." Ye Rumeng persuaded.

Ye Rumeng is fine if he doesn't speak, but Mrs. Zhang can't notice her if she doesn't speak. When she speaks like this now, her eyes are red, and she raises her head and asks her: "Where did you go just now? Why don't you stay here well?" ? Haven’t you seen what your sister is like now? Don’t you just hope that your sister is bad? Ah? You are talking! Why are you pretending to be dumb!”

Zhang was very dissatisfied.

"I'm sorry, mother, father, I was just too sad just now, I went out and cried for a while, I didn't want you to worry... I..." Ye Rumeng's tears fell down in big tears, and her eyes were red Yes, very lovable.

Ye Wensheng saw it, and felt embarrassed to blame her again, so he said:

(End of this chapter)

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