Chapter 476 Poisoning 23
Ye Ruqing took shortcuts and walked through the small roads with difficulty. These small roads have been abandoned for many years, and few people come here.

There is no way, the Ye family's house is too big, in fact, there are still many places that have been vacant for many years.

Ye Ruqing endured his fear and walked hard in the dark night. Because it was inconvenient, he didn't even hold a lantern, and rushed towards the yard where Ye Rumu was, which was the yard where the old poison doctor lived.

The result was as expected by Ye Ruqing. Soon, Ye Ruqing saw Ye Wensheng's figure.

Ye Ruqing was overjoyed, and hurriedly shouted: "Father! Wait for me!"

Hearing Ye Ruqing's voice, Ye Wensheng stopped naturally, waiting for Ye Ruqing to come over.

"Qing'er, why are you here? It's getting late, you can go back and rest, dad can just visit your third sister." Ye Wensheng waited for Ye Ruqing to approach her, and said to her.

Ye Ruqing came up, shook his head, and said firmly and earnestly: "No, father, I have to see how the third sister is doing. If I can't see the third sister, I am always worried in my heart. Father, anyway It's almost dawn, and I won't be able to sleep when I go back, why don't you let me go and see the third sister with you, so I can feel at ease when I see you."

Ye Ruqing's face was full of worry.

Seeing Ye Wensheng beggingly, he only hoped that Ye Wensheng would not reject her and take her along with him.

Ye Wensheng sighed, this daughter rarely has a sense of existence, and he has never noticed it very much.

Now it seems that only this daughter is the one who cares about her sister the most, but he ignored her before.

Ye Rumeng didn't even say to come and see this younger sister.

Whether you come to see it is one thing, but whether you have the intention is another.

"Okay, okay, you go to see your third sister with Weifu, she doesn't know what's going on now. Weifu is worried! This eyelid always jumps." Ye Wensheng was delayed because he went to Ye Ruping's place. A lot of time.

Now I can finally see her.

"Father, don't worry, the third sister is auspicious, she will be fine, and the gods will protect her." Ye Ruqing stepped forward and supported Ye Wensheng.

One night, two daughters had an accident, and Ye Wensheng's face seemed to have aged ten years.

No matter how big the problems in the previous business were, he was able to face them calmly.

But in this situation, he doesn't know how to face it, and he doesn't know how to solve it.

Only now did he know that no matter how much money he had, there was no way to get his two daughters back healthy.

When Ye Wensheng arrived, Ye Rumu had already been carried into the room by Baili Yao and placed on the soft bed.

Ye Rumu's face was already pale beyond belief.

Lying on a soft couch, like a fragile doll.

"My lord, how is the princess?" Ye Wensheng stepped forward quickly.

Standing behind Baili Yao, he asked.

But Baili Yao didn't answer Ye Wensheng's words as if he didn't hear him.

Seeing this, Marven Ye sighed, already knowing the result.

"My lord, we have found someone."

When everyone was frowning, Yunfeng's voice came from the door.

Yunfeng's voice was like life-saving medicine, and Baili Yao stood up instantly.

The person who hadn't reacted immediately came forward and asked, "Where is the person? Where is the person?"

(End of this chapter)

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