Chapter 489 Ye Xiaoye Missing 10
After finishing speaking, Ye Xiaoye suddenly stopped, looked up at Yun Ying, curled her lips, and said dissatisfiedly: "Isn't it all because of you? If you listen to me and want to stop, I will definitely not Can dance! It's not my fault!"

"..." Yunying lowered her head, looking at Ye Xiaoye's extremely aggrieved face.

He said lightly: "It doesn't matter if you don't admit your mistakes, anyway, it's not me who is hurting."

Ye Xiaoye: "!!..."

How could he feel so bad!
"Who told you not to answer my question? Where are my parents?" Ye Xiaoye frowned.

Yunying's eyes dodged, and she became impatient, "Didn't I tell you that I would see them soon? You should stop asking."

"But, we've been away for so long, I really want to see them, tell me where they are... Can't you tell me this?" You Xiaoye looked at Yunying strangely, what can't be said about this? What did he say?Why haven't you told him?

"You really want to know?" Yun Ying asked after closing her eyes and opening them again.

He never told Ye Xiaoye where his parents were?I have been leading him on the road, but I am not sure in my heart whether I want to do something to him.

From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to do anything to him.

But if he doesn't do anything... he will leave that person.

"Of course I want to know, I don't know why I keep asking you." Ye Xiaoye glanced at Yunying contemptuously.

Feeling asked all the way, is he still not sure if he wants to see his parents?
"They are in the city over there. As long as we walk here, we will see them. Do you still want to follow me now? If not, you can leave now." Yun Ying casually talked about a place, regardless of No matter what, he had to give himself a choice.

Everyone can't choose, but they all have choices.

It's just up to you.

"Really? Then let's go quickly." Ye Xiaoye said immediately.

Seeing Ye Xiaoye's expectant expression, Yunying felt more and more guilty.

It is enough to betray one's master once, but after the betrayal, do you want to kill his son?

"Okay." Yunying nodded, and carried Ye Xiaoye to the horse.

Knowing that he also sat up, the direction in front of An An suddenly became a little confused.

Deceiving a child like this, the guilt in my heart is even heavier!
"Xiaoye." Yunying suddenly called out.

"What's the matter?" Ye Xiaoye turned around suspiciously, looking at Yunying's somewhat dark face, puzzled.

"It's okay." Yunying frowned, still hesitating in her heart.

The hand holding the horsewhip loosened, then tightened.

With his character, he is indecisive, he has no right to stay by her side after he thinks things over, right?

Yun Ying felt that she suddenly had an answer.

Suddenly, I knew what to choose.

I just hope I don't regret it.

The two continued to walk forward, getting farther and farther away from Zhan City, but getting closer and closer to the capital.

Ye Xiaoye was still young and didn't know the way to the capital, so he didn't recognize that this road was to the capital.

"If someone cheated on you, would you hate him?" Idle and boring?Yunying asked casually.

"It all depends on what he is doing, right? My mother has already said that you must be considerate, seeing is believing, and hearing is believing. If there is something unspeakable,

(End of this chapter)

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