Chapter 494 Ye Xiaoye Missing 15
"Whether you can stop it or not, you will know if you try it." Yunfeng said without fear.

"The regent's subordinates, I also want to try to see if there are real materials. Today, I finally have this opportunity, so I will naturally fight you." The leader of the man in black was eager to try.

I have heard for a long time that none of the people around the regent are vegetarians, and I have long wanted to duel with the people around him. If the people around him are not good, I believe the regent is only in name.There is no real material at all.

In fact, the man in black is still very disdainful. When fighting on the battlefield, as long as you have a strategy, it doesn't matter how good your martial arts are. Maybe the regent is actually not very good!

Baili Yao won the battle only because of his strong command, maybe even he can't beat him!
"Okay, but before you fight, you should report your name first, I won't fight with nobody." Yunfeng's eyes flashed, and he decided to get the opponent's name and identity first.

People who make things worse like this will definitely not be let go in the future.

"Oh, hahaha! You want to know my name and identity? That's fine, as long as you beat me, I can tell you whatever you want to know, but the premise is that you have to beat me first, how about it? Otherwise, I But I won’t say anything, and my defeated subordinates are not qualified to know my identity.” The leader in black said proudly.

Yunfeng is very contemptuous.

He is one of the top ten masters in the arena, and he doesn't believe that a small hidden guard can still defeat him if he is defeated?
"Are you sure?" Yunfeng narrowed his eyes slightly, and the man in black on the opposite side was so wrapped up that he couldn't tell who it was at all?
"Hahaha, of course, I am a very trustworthy person, and I have never broken my promise, so don't worry." The leader of the man in black licked his lips bloodthirsty.

Looking at Yunfeng's sight is like seeing prey.

Yunfeng didn't mind either, it didn't matter if he knew it now, if he was defeated, wouldn't he know it!He never likes nonsense, and prefers to speak with strength, which is what the prince taught them.For the enemy, no matter how much money is spent, it is not as good as actually doing it.

"Yunfeng!" Yunxing shouted to stop Yunfeng who started to walk forward, with worried eyes.

Facing Yunfeng, he shook his head slightly, signaling him not to agree.

Yunfeng will start striding forward with Yunxing's don't-worry eyes.

Yun Xing sighed, and didn't know the identity of the other party at all, so he rushed forward rashly, fearing that he would suffer a disadvantage.

And looking at the arrogant appearance of the person opposite, he must have some strength.

"Don't worry, if it doesn't work, we'll go up again." Seeing Yunxing's worried face, Qingxue comforted her.

Yun Xing had no other choice now, so he nodded.

Everyone stared intently at Yun Xing and the leading man in black opposite him.

Yun Xing confronted him two by two, and neither of them made a move.

"Qingxue Qingjue, can you recognize who that is?" Qingxin observed for a long time, but couldn't tell who the other party was, so she could only ask.

Qing Xueyao shook her head, "I don't know yet, but I may be able to see it later, pay attention to his martial arts moves, there will definitely be flaws."

Qing Jue also replied: "If he doesn't want to reveal his identity, he may not be able to use familiar moves, so just be careful."

"Those who are so arrogant are somewhat familiar, but they are not sure yet." There was some uncertainty in Qing Jue's words.

(End of this chapter)

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