Chapter 497 Ye Xiaoye Missing 18
He also walked over and sat down to watch the play.

Yun Xing has also heard a little about the top ten masters in the Jianghu.

But after all, they are the secret guards of the royal family, so it is impossible to be too clear about these.

I have only heard of the names of the top ten masters before, but I have never seen them.

This time, I can ask a good question.

"What kind of person is Chishou? How is his martial arts strength? There don't seem to be many things about him in the world." Yun Xing thought for a while, thinking that they all knew each other, so he asked.

In the arena, there are really not many things about Chishou.

Qing Jue glanced at him, and replied: "Chishou is the master of Chibi Palace, how about his martial arts and strength? Just look at his ranking. Except for the nine masters on the ranking list, there are very few people who are like him. opponent."

"Then Yunfeng..." Yun Xing heard clearly that few people were Chishou's opponents, and looked at Yunfeng and frowned worriedly. Although Yunfeng seemed to be on the same level as Chishou, he actually knew that Yunfeng had already struggled to deal with it.

"It's okay, you two are not from the Jianghu, how is your strength? Naturally, you can't be measured by the standards of the people from the Jianghu. You have to believe in yourself and your teammates." Qing Jue said in relief.

Isn't Yunfeng able to withstand this now?

Give a little more pressure, and there will be greater progress.

Yun Xing also knows this truth, but if Yun Feng loses, who among them can resist Chishou?

After another round, Chishou gasped heavily, stared at Yunfeng with eagle-like eyes, and remained silent.

Although the expression on his face didn't change much, the shock in his heart had completely changed his view of Yunfeng.

Originally, I thought it would be over in less than three moves, but it turned out that after a dozen or so rounds, the opponent had nothing to do, just like I couldn't occupy the corner of the opponent's clothes, and the opponent couldn't touch my own.

"It seems that I still underestimated you. Martial arts are good." Chishou was actually very happy to meet someone with his own strength, but the premise of being happy was that he could win.

"You're not bad either." After a few rounds, the two felt a sense of sympathy for each other.

"It's a pity, there are still things to do today, otherwise I will invite you to drink, why not wait until today's matter is over, no matter what the result is, how about I invite you to drink next time?" If you are tired, you might as well sit down and rest for a while, chatting, so he did just that.

He meditated directly in front of Yunfeng, because he knew that Yunfeng would not attack him or do anything else while he was meditating.

Yun Feng raised his eyebrows slightly, and sat up in meditation.

"If there is a destiny, there is a chance to be friends, and people who drink are not a problem, but right now, do you think we can have that chance?" Yun Feng asked a little funny.

You have robbed and come up, and you still have a drink.

How could others agree?

The red head lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then suddenly raised his head, and said with a smile: "Since this is the case, then I don't want the things, how about it? Can you make me a friend now? With my friend here, I don't want to Will let you be bullied by anyone, think about it?"

Chishou quickly made a decision, what is the use of the water spirit bead.

Chishou didn't need Yunfeng's reminder, so he pulled off the black cloth on his face, exposing his entire face.

(End of this chapter)

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