Chapter 500 Ye Xiaoye Missing 21
So everyone rested in place, ate dry food and waited for Qing Yao to come back.

After a while, Qing Yao came back refreshed, looked at the crowd, clapped her hands, and asked carelessly: "Is there anything else to eat? Give me some, I'm starving to death!"

Qing Ran curled her lips, and silently threw the dried meat in her bag to Qing Yao, "Eat it, eat it quickly, we will be leaving later."

Qing Yao stretched out her hand and patted Qing Ran's head, "Why is the kid so impatient? Didn't he just make you wait a little longer? You see, no one else has any objections! Let me tell you, kid, you still have to Be patient, or your future daughter-in-law will not be able to stand you!" Qing Yao held the jerky in one hand, and rested the other on Qing Ran's shoulders, as if she wanted to educate Qing Ran in a good posture.

Qing Ran dismissed Qing Yao's hand in distaste, and said in distaste: "Don't put the salty pig's hand that you took the jerky on my shoulder! Dirty!"

"I'm going! How dare you despise me? Are you impatient?" Qing Yao stuffed the jerky into his mouth, staring and patting Qing Ran's head in dissatisfaction.

Qing Ran couldn't dodge in time, and was photographed straight on, and her complexion turned bad immediately!
If I remember correctly, the hand that Qing Yao used to slap him just now was holding jerky, right?right?
"You!" Qing Ran jumped up suddenly, almost ran away!

"Me, me, me, what's wrong with me? Am I too beautiful?" Qing Yao said shamelessly.

I have to say that Qing Yao is indeed quite beautiful, with a demon in her charm.

When Ye Rumu first saw Qing Yao, he immediately gave her this name.

In Ye Rumu's words, no one is more suitable for this name than Qing Yao!
"Shameless! Narcissistic!" Qing Ran scolded in a disciplined manner.

"What did you say?" Qing Yao squinted her eyes and ran towards Qing Ran in an instant.

"Just trained little Chishou, you're itchy again, right? It's okay, I'll take care of you two together today!" Qing Yao squinted her eyes and roared fiercely.

With Qing Ran's face turned aside, he immediately ran away, and continued to provoke Qing Yao without knowing how to restrain himself.

After a while, Qingjue stood up, glanced at the two people who had been running farther and farther, and said lightly: "Okay, everyone, have you rested? Let's get on the road quickly, we won't be able to reach the town if we are late gone."

The others nodded, but no one thought of Qingran and Qingyao.

Before leaving, Qing Jue looked at the three empty horses, and said calmly: "We will take the horses away too, so as not to stay here at night and be eaten by wild animals."

Everyone: "..."

This is for Qingran and Qingyao to walk back... But why do they want to do this so much?

So, they did just that... they took the horse away... the place where they had rested is now not a hair left...

So that later, Qingran and Qingyao hated Qingjue for a long time, but there was nothing they could do about it. None of them could defeat Qingjue, so they could only silently admit it...


After being educated by the Qing Yao, Chishou sat on the stone depressedly, looked at the group of men in black behind him, and asked angrily, "Why didn't you save me just now?"

The subordinate of the man in black who was a little closer to the red head lowered his head and said weakly, "Master, it's not what you said,
(End of this chapter)

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