Chapter 509 Ye Xiaoye Missing 29
Qing Yao also said that for the first time, she had a tacit understanding and ran in the direction of Ye Rumu.

Chishou looked at these excited people strangely, but luckily they were the only ones staying in this inn, otherwise it would be so strange...

Seeing a woman, and these people are still very excited to call her the Lord... Chishou understands!It turns out that the owner of the Yuexuan Pavilion is a woman!Moreover, she is a stunning woman!These fellows in Yuexuan Pavilion will not call other people as masters!
Moreover, she is a typical classical beauty, which makes people amazing at first glance, and feels very comfortable at second glance!

For the first time Chishou saw a woman in a daze...

At the same time, I didn't expect that such a powerful person was actually a woman!
Chishou felt his heart beating violently, and wanted to say something to her, so he did so.

"You..." Chishou also walked up, looked at Ye Rumu with a complicated expression, and turned thousands of words into a word you.

"What? You don't recognize me?" Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, looking at Chishou with a half-smile.

Chishou just felt his heart beating faster in an instant!

Ye Rumu's half smile was not a smile, which amazed his whole world!
"No... no, I know it, I know it!" Chishou stammered.

"Hehe..." Ye Rumu chuckled, Chishou was still so cute.

Shaking his head, he explained: "Since you already know my real identity, I won't hide it from you. As you can see, I am a woman."

Chishou nodded blankly, and asked: "Then your identity is..."

"Prince Regent's concubine, Ye Rumu." Ye Rumu didn't hide the fact that Yuexuan Pavilion's long-accepted ally was the owner of Chibi Palace.

"Are you married?" Chishou said in surprise, his tone seemed a little excited.

Everyone frowned one by one, only felt that Chishou's reaction was too abnormal, what did it have to do with Chishou whether they got married or not?

"My lord is married, why are you so excited?" Qingran was the first one who couldn't help it, and asked.

I used to gossip, but even though I am asking this question now, I have already written countless imaginations in my mind.

Why Chishou fell in love with the Lord at first sight when he saw the real face of the Lord for the first time, so after hearing that the Lord got married, he was surprised and sad, that's why he was so excited.

Or Chishou had always been secretly in love with the Lord, but thought that the Lord was a man, so he kept suppressing his feelings and prevented himself from doing wrong things. But now that he knew that the Lord was a woman, he was very happy, but he heard When the Lord got married, he was greatly shocked, his heart was ashamed, and he even wanted to die!

It may also evolve into a duel with Baili Yao to snatch the Lord...

There is another kind, that is, Chishou likes men!I have always loved the lord, because the lord is strong, and I have always liked the lord very much, but now I find that she is actually a woman, and I can't accept it for a while...

But why ask about getting married...?
Qingran still doesn't understand, but she is ready to gossip.

The question that Qing Ran asked was something other people wanted to know too.

Ye Rumu also raised his eyebrows, waiting for Chishou's answer.

According to the marriageable age of women in this world, according to Ye Rumu's words, what do you do if you are old and don't get married?
Ye Rumu's body is almost [-] years old, if he is not married yet, it will be a standard no one wants a series.

Chishou knew that he had lost his composure, and quickly shook his head, denying: "No, no, how can I be excited!
 The next two chapters are messed up and repeated, please don't subscribe yet.If you accidentally subscribed, wait for me to switch over and refresh it, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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