Chapter 511 Ye Xiaoye Missing 32
In the dead of night, when everything is silent.

Ye Rumu was alone, feeling a little melancholy.

He took out the map left by his predecessors again, spread it out in his hand, and rubbed it carefully.

I don't know what the real answer to this map is?
Is not, in fact, this map is not useful.

Because it is not a map of this world.

However, the time-traveling senior said that this is the key to going back to the past, so he must not have lied to her.

Why would he lie to her?

Ye Rumu was in a complicated mood and didn't know how to deal with this kind of thing.

Do you want to go back if you can go back with a calm heart, and forget it if you can't.

But subconsciously, she cared about this map.

Otherwise, they would not bother to ask people to check.

"Knock, click..." A knock on the door interrupted Ye Rumu's thoughts.

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows and looked towards the door.

"Pavilion Master Yuexuan, it's me, Chishou." From outside the door, Chishou's shy voice seemed to be embarrassed.

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect it to be a red head, and it was so late, why did he come to her?
"Come in!" Although Ye Rumu was puzzled, he quickly nodded and let Chishou come in.

Chishou outside the door was overjoyed, thinking that it was so late, Ye Rumu would never see him again, but now he was a little surprised.

Chishou smirked for a while before realizing it, quickly opened the door, walked in, and asked cautiously: "That...Pavilion Master Yuexuan, I came so late, didn't I disturb you?"

Ye Rumu shook his head, "It's nothing, I didn't sleep anyway."

"Haha, that's good, that's good..." Chishou started to giggle again.

"That...Pavilion Master Yuexuan, I heard that you are the richest man in Dongxing Kingdom, the third lady of the Ye family in Zhancheng, right?" Chishou had heard about the third lady of the Ye family before, but he always laughed it off before. I didn't care about it.

Chishou regrets it very much now, if only he had paid more attention at that time.

In that case, maybe Ye Rumu will be with him!

"Yes, now I am not the master of the Yuexuan Pavilion, and you don't need to call me the master of the Yuexuan Pavilion, just call me Princess Regent." Ye Rumu corrected, it would be too strange for Chishou to call her name.

Why don't you just call her Princess Regent.

Hearing what Ye Rumu said, Chishou felt a little disappointed. Didn't he hear that Ye Rumu didn't like Baili Yao and was forced to marry him?Why did Ye Rumu ask others to call her Princess Regent?

If she was just the third miss of the Ye family, Chishou would still think that she just loves power and vanity.

But she is the famous owner of Yuexuan Pavilion, she is neither short of money nor status, so the position of Princess Xiaoyao is not something she is too attached to, right?
It can only be said that she and the Prince Regent may really love each other.

"Princess, I heard about you and the Prince Regent before. I have always admired the Prince Regent. This time, can you let me go with you? I have wanted to see the Prince Regent for a long time." Worship, earnest request.

Ye Rumu looked at Chishou strangely, "You are a master of the rivers and lakes, you don't worship people who are stronger than you in the rivers and lakes, why do you worship Baili Yao?"

Speaking of Jianghu masters, Chishou looked contemptuous, "How many of the current Jianghu masters are worthy of worship? I admire powerful people, regardless of who they are or what their status is."

(End of this chapter)

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