Chapter 522 Premeditated 6
Looking at Chishou suspiciously, it doesn't seem to be the case?

Chishou's heart skipped a beat, yes, how could he have forgotten that the person he said he admired was Baili Yao!
But only he knows that the person he really admires is Ye Rumu!That's why I forgot this stubble for a while!
Seeing Ye Rumu frowning and looking at him suspiciously, Chishou quickly said, "Yes, I used to admire the regent prince very much. The regent prince is so powerful, resourceful, and martial arts. There is no one who does not worship. The regent prince, I'm sorry just now, you adults don't remember villains, don't care about me like me. And... and I came here with the princess just to see you. "

After Chishou said so, Baili Yao was too embarrassed to let him go, even though he knew that Chishou was a drunkard and didn't mean to drink.Still adore yourself?Baili Yao didn't believe it, he was more willing to believe that Ye Rumu was worshiped by Chishou.

"Since this is the case, if the Lord of the Red Cliff Palace doesn't dislike it, I will stay in this king's palace for a few days, and when I have had enough fun, I will return to the Red Cliff Palace." Baili Yao invited.

"Why would you dislike it? It's my blessing that the regent can let me live." Chishou said with a smile, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

Even if Baili Yao saw it, he didn't care.

No matter why Chishou came here, as long as it doesn't touch Baili Yao's bottom line, he can do whatever he wants.

After returning to the Prince Regent's Mansion and having Chishou arranged to stay, Baili Yao grabbed Ye Rumu's hand and said, "Come with me."

Then he pulled Ye Rumu away.

Ye Rumu felt that Baili Yao was abnormal, but he didn't know what happened to Baili Yao.

I didn't ask at all, and I'll know when I get there.

Baili Yao took Ye Rumu back to the Bishui courtyard, closed the door and pushed Ye Rumu behind the door, and pushed himself up, with dangerous eyes: "My lady, how do you think I will punish you?"

The corners of Ye Rumu's lips twitched, and she turned her face to the side, avoiding Baili Yao's hot breath on her face, and asked in puzzlement, "What are you going to punish me for?"

"Chishou." Baili Yao said a name calmly.

"Pfft..." Ye Rumu couldn't help bursting out laughing, and asked incredulously, "Are you jealous of Chishou?"

Baili Yao sullenly did not answer, but this was already the default.

"Hahaha, no way? Chishou is still a child..." Ye Rumu couldn't help laughing out loud, most of the depression accumulated in his heart because Ye Xiaoye was kidnapped these days disappeared.

Thinking of Ye Xiaoye, Ye Rumu quickly stopped laughing. Although Yunying promised in a letter that he would not touch Ye Xiaoye, who is Yunying?Is what he said believable?
"What's the matter?" Seeing Ye Rumu only smiled for a while, his face sank again.

After a while, I knew what Ye Rumu was thinking again, sighed, and comforted me: "Lady, don't think too much, we will solve the poisonous wolf sect first, and then go to pick up our son."

Ye Rumu shook his head when he heard this, "No, I can't wait any longer. Tomorrow morning, you go to deal with the Poisonous Wolf Sect, and I will pick up my son."

Baili Yao frowned, and said in disapproval: "No. Lady, you are not in good health yet, so you can't take risks. Be obedient, let me do this."

Ye Rumu still shook his head and explained: "Don't worry, Chishou will go with me tomorrow, Chishou's martial arts are very strong,

(End of this chapter)

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