Chapter 536 Premeditated 20
Seeing the attitude of the people in Yuexuan Pavilion, Ye Wensheng knew that the people in Yuexuan Pavilion ignored him, so he smiled with a smile on his face, and stopped talking in embarrassment.

Ye Wensheng knew that these people were Ye Rumu's people, and the Yuexuan Pavilion was established in the years when Ye Rumu was driven away. Presumably, Ye Rumu must have worked very hard, so these people couldn't see it, and even You can't forgive him now, can you?
Ye Wensheng was suddenly confused, did Ye Rumu really forgive him?But if he didn't forgive him, how could he come back in person and send someone to guard here?
While Ye Wensheng was thinking, everyone in the Yuexuan Pavilion around him suddenly exclaimed: "Look! It's the signal flare that the Lord asked us to pay attention to! It was ignited!"

The others listened and looked over, but the signal flare was too long, and they only saw a tail before disappearing.

"Yes, it is exclusive to our Yuexuan Pavilion, the person whom the Lord asked us to pick up has appeared!"

"Then what should we do now? We can't leave Ye's house!" Someone asked worriedly, not knowing whether to pick up the person or stay in Ye's house.

"This... The Chunyu family has just been driven away by us, so they probably won't come back so soon, or how about we pick them up first?"

"No, no, no, the lord has ordered us to stay at Ye's house and not leave." Someone also objected.

Immediately, someone came out to retort: ​​"But the Lord also said that if we see that the flare is ignited, we will send people to pick them up!"

At this moment, everyone fell silent and stood there for a long time without moving, not knowing how to make a choice.

"Everyone, may I ask what happened?" Marven Ye asked, clasping his fists.

"Oh, it's what the Lord ordered before. As soon as we see the signal flare ignited, we will pick up some friends, but we didn't expect that the Ye family suffered such an accident, so the Lord sent everyone to the The Ye family is here. Those who are in the Ye family now are actually the full strength of my Yuexuan." A handsome man stood up and said.

Ye Wensheng has seen this man before, despite his long Wenxiu, he is always at the forefront in killing enemies!Martial arts are very powerful!

Ye Wensheng cupped his hands at him, "I don't know what to call your Excellency?"

The Wenxiu man also hurriedly cupped his hands at Ye Wensheng, "Patriarch Ye has ruined Jingxiu."

"It turned out to be Mr. Jingxiu. Could you tell me, who are the friends you mentioned just now?" Ye Wensheng was curious about who Ye Rumu asked his people to pick up.

Jingxiu shook her head, with a look of shame on her face, "I don't know about this. I guess only the Lord has seen those friends. We just need to be responsible for picking them up. Once we receive them, we will see them."

Jingxiu smiled after speaking.

"Oh? You don't even know about it! Since that's the case, maybe it's Muer's new friend. Mr. Jingxiu, the people from Chunyu's family must not have come so fast, so you should hurry up and pick them up first!" Ye Wensheng said quickly.

You can't miss the agreed things just because you want to guard yourself?
If Muer doesn't fulfill her promise, she will be looked down upon by then!

"This..." Jing Xiu hesitated, looking at her partner behind her.

"Nowadays there is no one who can make a decision, brother Jingxiu, only you can make a decision now, you should make a decision quickly!" The person behind Jingxiu urged.

(End of this chapter)

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