Chapter 539 Premeditated 23
If you want, that's fine too!There is an empty water tank at the entrance of our Yuexuan Pavilion, how about hiding you in it? "

Before Baili Yao could speak, Ye Rumu promised to say again: "Don't worry, as long as you hide in, no one will be able to find you! Moreover, even if someone accidentally uses that water tank It won't be broken even after mastering martial arts. It can be said that it is an invincible water tank. How about I use it for you now? How do I treat you?"

Baili Yao was silent, and looked straight at Ye Rumu, "Miss, can you hide two people?"

"Huh? Two people? How can that work? The water tank is very precious because it is invincible. Since it is precious, how could it be too big? But don't worry, there is still room for you!" Ye Rumu heard Baili When Yao asked this, he knew what he was thinking, so he replied wittily.

"Since this is the case, I'd rather not go for my husband. Otherwise, my husband will be lonely." Baili Yao twitched the corners of his lips, should he react so quickly?

If you were someone else, shouldn't you boast how big your water tank is, how many people can fit in it?
"So you're afraid of being lonely? You don't have to worry about that! I'll find someone to take care of you! How about letting her sing, dance, and chat with you every day to relieve boredom?" Ye Rumu left Again a choice was given.

"That's fine, but this person, it would be great if it's a lady!" Baili Yao narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a half-smile, a faint smile on the corner of his lips.

"Beautiful thinking!" Ye Rumu's head was full of black lines.

"Alas..." Ye Rumu sighed softly, it has been several days since he returned to the Prince Regent's Mansion, but there is still no progress.

Baili Yao patted her on the shoulder, "Don't worry, Yun Ying, although he betrayed me, he still counts what he says, and he won't go back on what he said."

Ye Rumu hesitated for a while, then nodded, "I hope."

Actually speaking, Ye Rumu didn't really believe it, betraying Baili Yao, it shows how good his character is.

Ye Rumu curled his hand, put it on his lips, and blew three times towards the sky. A sea dongqing swooped down from the sky, and finally landed on Ye Rumu's shoulder, rubbing its small eagle head Ye Rumu's face.

"Xiaoqing." Ye Rumu touched Xiaoqing's head, and said in an apologetic tone, "I just asked you to follow me, and now I'm going to ask you to deliver a letter for me."

"Chirp—" Xiaoqing's sharp cry was prolonged, and she casually rubbed against Ye Rumu again.

"Let's go back and write letters." Ye Rumu pulled Baili Yao.

Baili Yao nodded, took Ye Rumu's hand, and walked towards the study together.

After Ye Rumu finished writing the letter, he tied it to Xiaoqing's leg and stroked the feathers on its back, "Xiaoqing, according to your speed, it only takes half a day to fly to Zhancheng, you have to deliver the letter quickly." into Jingxiu's hands."

Xiaoqing nodded spiritually, and flew out in the next instant.

Ye Rumu watched Xiaoqing disappear and remained silent.

"Don't worry, my people will arrive at Ye's house soon. With them here, don't worry." Baili Yao hugged Ye Rumu from behind and comforted him softly.

Ye Rumu was surprised, "When did you send someone there?"

"Two days ago." Baili Yao honestly explained.

When Ye Rumu heard this, he was more moved than curious, "Why didn't you tell me? If you had told me earlier, I wouldn't have let Xiaoqing go out."

(End of this chapter)

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