Chapter 541 Premeditated 25
Ye Rumu raised his head fiercely, and even said that he was better than himself if he could lie down with a clear heart, presumably his martial arts must be very good!

You know, Qingxin is also one of the best masters!

Ye Rumu propped her chin, and filtered through her mind the powerful martial arts forces or people she knew in this world, but after recalling it twice, she couldn't find anyone who agreed, "When will Dongxing Kingdom come out?" There are so many powerful masters? I didn’t know it before.”

"Does the Lord not know?" Qingxin originally thought that Ye Rumu knew, so she came to ask Ye Rumu.

Ye Rumu shook his head, "I haven't heard of it. Besides, you haven't seen those people. It's hard to find them just because of their martial arts."

Thinking about it with a pure heart, "Then, my lord, what should I do now?"

"Since you said that those people have been following you to prevent you from doing things for a while, maybe it won't hurt you, let them follow first, and see what they want to do! If there is danger, you immediately ignite the signal , Qingxue and I will go to you right away." Ye Rumu's expression was solemn, and there was a wave of ups and downs.

"Yes! My lord!" After this matter was settled, Qingxin went out to do things. Ye Rumu rubbed his temples, feeling a little tired.

When can we really stay away from these conspiracies and tricks?This is the second time Ye Xiaoye has been taken away.Ye Rumu blamed himself very much. If he was optimistic about him, how could such a thing happen?

But self-blame did not make Ye Rumu decadent. If you become decadent when encountering a little thing, how uncomfortable will it be for those who believe in you, care for you, support you, and love you?

Ye Rumu didn't want others to feel bad because of her, and she didn't want to make herself decadent.

The next moment, a pair of warm big hands appeared on Ye Rumu's temples, gently massaging her.

Ye Rumu's frowned eyebrows relaxed, and he knew who was coming without looking.

"Do you have a headache?" Baili Yao asked worriedly, his hands moving more gently.

Ye Rumu shook his head, "It doesn't hurt, I just feel a little tired."

"My lady hasn't had a good rest for a few days. Take a good rest today. When you wake up, you can see your son." Baili Yao persuaded.

Ye Rumu opened his eyes fiercely, and asked excitedly, "What did you say? What do you mean?"

"I have already found the inn where Yunying stayed. I will pick up my son today as a husband." Baili Yao explained.

"When did it happen?" Ye Rumu was surprised. When Qingxin came, she said she couldn't find it, and felt that someone was obstructing her from investigating this matter.

"Just now, I got the news and came to you immediately."

It turned out to be the case.

Ye Rumu nodded, "Then let's go!"

"Lady, it's good to go for your husband, you stay in the palace." Baili Yao held Ye Rumu back and did not let Ye Rumu go with him.

"There are some things that my husband needs to settle with Yunying." Baili Yao felt that after being a master and servant with Yunying for so long, it was time to settle the matters between them!

Ye Rumu struggled for a while before agreeing with great reluctance, "Well, I'm not good at participating in your affairs, so go, go and come back!"

But I can see my son today, I have been waiting for so many days, and I am not in a hurry at this moment!
(End of this chapter)

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