Chapter 545 Premeditated 29
"Good boy." Baili Yao rubbed Ye Xiaoye's head.

Ye Rumu stroked his forehead from the side, and thought he understood it quite clearly, but now after what Baili Yao said, Ye Rumu felt that he was dizzy!

After letting Ye Xiaoye go to play, Baili Yao said to Ye Rumu: "Lady, I will take someone to take down the Poisonous Wolf Cultists today as my husband. You don't have to worry about me at home, take good care of your son."

Ye Rumu listened, like a kind of husband who went out to fight, and said to his gentle wife at home: "Miss, take care of the children, I will be back soon."

The more he thought about it, the more Ye Rumu felt that sense of déjà vu!
"Okay, you go, I will take good care of my son and wait for you to come back!" Ye Rumu replied solemnly, with a proper expression of reluctance on his face.

"Naughty!" Baili Yao looked at Ye Rumu, laughed for a moment, and stretched out his hand to pinch her face.

"Hehe." Ye Rumu also laughed out loud.

"Okay, to be serious, you have to be careful of the Poisonous Wolf Cult! I don't know where Gu Xin'er is now. If she knows that Yunying betrayed her, Yunying probably won't have a good time." At this time, Ye Rumu, on the contrary, Some are worried about Yunying.

Although I didn't know why Yunying betrayed Bailiyao before, in Ye Rumu's view, Yunying was indeed a rare and good person. Perhaps there was some unspeakable difficulty at that time.

Now that the matter has passed, Baili Yao doesn't care about it, and Ye Rumu doesn't care about it either.

Seeing that Ye Rumu was so worried about another man, Bai Liyao squinted his eyes, and said sourly: "If you know that my wife is so worried about another man, as a husband, you should tell Gu Xin'er his whereabouts. So that the lady's worries are not in vain!"

Ye Rumu: "..." Is this jealousy or jealousy?
"Ahem, well, don't you still have to prepare? Hurry up and go?" Ye Rumu urged.

Baili Yao narrowed his eyes, "The lady is rushing away for her husband? Could it be that there is really another person living in the lady's heart?"

Ye Rumu smiled, "What do you think?"

Baili Yaomo knew that he couldn't go too far, but when he thought of his wife worrying about others, he felt uncomfortable!I can't wait to bring Yunying back and give him a beating before letting him go!

"In the heart of a lady, she is only a husband." Baili Yao chuckled.

"Shameless." Ye Rumu glared at him, and urged: "Hurry up and go, or it will be too late!"

"Okay, if you want to go for your husband, you can, but lady, can you kiss me for your husband?" Baili Yao looked at Ye Rumu with a charming voice.

"...I love to go or not." Ye Rumu's mouth twitched, why do you think Baili Yao is getting more and more shameless?


While Baili Yao was talking, Ye Rumu actually heard a trace of grievance from it?
What the hell?

Imagine a strong man saying to her with an aggrieved voice, "Miss, are you not loving your husband anymore?"

Ye Rumu felt that his skin was getting goosebumps.

"..." Ye Rumu was speechless, why didn't he know before that Baili Yao was still so...

"My lady..." Baili Yao was still very persistent, it seemed that if Ye Rumu didn't kiss him, he wouldn't leave.

Seeing that Baili Yao was really unwilling to leave, Ye Rumu looked around, and when he saw no one was there, he quickly kissed Baili Yao on the face and left quickly, "Okay, you can go now Bar?"

(End of this chapter)

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