Chapter 549

What did the saint call Ah Sheng to do again?

However, he was still relieved and said: "Saint, don't worry, you used loyalty Gu on that A Sheng, A Sheng will not speak to others."

"What you said is true, but there is an accident in everything. You should send someone to do this matter. It is very likely that it is in Baili Yao's hands." Let A Sheng go and tie Ye Xiaoye back. So many days have passed since this incident, no matter whether it succeeds or not, he should come to her, right?

The Great Elder's face changed again, "In the hands of the Prince Regent? Holy lady, the Prince Regent is not so easy to mess with!"

"Of course the saint knows, well, you go down first." Gu Xin'er impatiently waved his hand to make everyone go down, and sat on the throne with an irritable expression.


When Baili Yao came back after solving the matter of the Poisonous Wolf Sect, Ye Rumu also received a letter from Yuexuan Pavilion, saying that he had received the dwarves.

Ye Rumu thought about it, and after telling Baili Yao about it, he planned to take Ye Xiaoye to Yuexuan Pavilion to have a look.

After Ye Xiaoye heard about this incident, she was very interested.

Baili Yao had other things to do in the capital, so he couldn't go with Ye Rumu and Ye Xiaoye, so he could only tell them to pay attention to safety, and then let Qing Jue and others follow, so he was relieved.

Ye Rumu and Ye Xiaoye got into the carriage and went straight to the Yuexuan Pavilion.

"Mother, what is a dwarf?" In the car, Ye Xiaoye was so excited when he remembered that even a dwarf didn't know what it was.

Ye Rumu supported his head, glanced at Ye Xiaoye, and replied: "It's the race that is much shorter than us. Their height is often only as high as your mother's waist."

"Ah?" Ye Xiaoye sat up quickly after hearing this, and asked incredulously, "Isn't that just a little taller than me?"

Ye Xiaoye stretched out his hand and gestured, as if yes, he almost reached his mother's waist.

Ye Rumu reached out and touched Ye Xiaoye's head, raised his eyebrows and said, "Although the dwarves are a little shorter in height, they are no different from us humans, do you understand?"

Ye Xiaoye nodded, but after a while, he asked again: "Then mother, why are the dwarves so short?"

Ye Xiaoye looked up at Ye Rumu, then at himself, but didn't want to understand this question.

Obviously my mother can grow very tall!In the future, I can also grow taller!
"This..." This question stumped Ye Rumu. Asking this question was like asking, why do you want to eat?
Ye Rumu felt a deep sense of powerlessness, and finally he could only say: "This is how the dwarves have been since they existed, there is no reason."

Ye Xiaoye looked at Ye Rumu contemptuously, "Mother, if you don't know, just say you don't know, this answer is really perfunctory!"

Ye Rumu: "..."

Just talk too much!

"I really want to see the dwarves soon! Mother, the dwarves are all about the same height as me, can I let them play with me?" Ye Xiaoye is looking forward to it, there is nothing around him to play with partner, so I am looking forward to these dwarves I have never seen before.

Ye Rumu pursed his lips, "Although they are short in height, their height does not represent their age! They are your age, maybe only as tall as your waist, are you sure you want to play with them?"

Upon hearing this, Ye Xiaoye said in disbelief, "So small?"

(End of this chapter)

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