Chapter 551 Meeting 2
It's a pity, but the Poisonous Wolf Cult is Gu Xin'er's Poisonous Wolf Cult, so what can they say?


After throwing off the tail behind him, he was not far from Yuexuan Pavilion.

Ye Rumu looked at Qing Jue with raised eyebrows, and asked, "Qing Jue, who do you think those tails are most likely to be?"

"Poisonous Wolf Cult." Qing Jue said without thinking.

His intuition told him that it must be the Poisonous Wolf Cult!
Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, "Why?"

Qing Jue replied: "Recently, Poisonous Wolf Cult's actions have been too frequent. First, people took away the little master, and then attacked the people in the capital. Yunying's mission was not completed, and it disappeared for no reason, so I think they are probably I want to get something from you, my lord."

I have to say, the truth is clear.Almost right.

Ye Rumu pursed his lips, raised his eyebrows and said, "Maybe. Gu Xin'er is really obsessed with Baili Yao, completely ignoring that Baili Yao is the enemy of their Poisonous Wolf Cult."

Ye Rumu smiled. Before, when Gu Xin'er helped Baili Yao deal with the 100 million army of Xiwu Kingdom, Ye Rumu was skeptical about Gu Xin'er's identity. Even a girl from an ordinary family would never be so ruthless!

Only the Poisonous Wolf Cult can cultivate such ruthless people!

"The Yuexuan Pavilion is ahead." Qing Jue reminded.

Ye Rumu glanced at her and nodded, "Xiaoye, I'm going to Yuexuan Pavilion soon. Didn't you keep clamoring to come back? This time, let's stay here for a few days."

Although this is the real residence of Yuexuan Pavilion, Ye Rumu and others don't come back here all the year round.

Ye Xiaoye nodded happily, her round eyes turned into crescents when she smiled, "Mother, I almost don't remember what it's like here."

Ye Rumu sighed, white eyes appeared from the teacup he was holding, floating in front of Ye Rumu, even his tone seemed a bit ethereal, "Yeah, I haven't been back for a long time."

In the past, she would come back for something, but Ye Rumu hasn't been back since she married Baili Yao.

Yuexuan Pavilion is the safest place. From the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain, a thousand traps, large and small, have been set up, as well as mazes and killing arrays, etc., just to prevent others from breaking into it.

Coming to the foot of the mountain again, Ye Rumu sighed with emotion.

When you come here, the carriage cannot get on.

She parked the carriage in the small village she specially built to rest and park the carriage at the foot of the mountain, and everyone went up on foot.

When he got to the top of the mountain, Ye Rumu stepped forward, stood in front of a cliff, and stroked the air a few times in a disorderly manner with his fingers. It was as if a gas mask had been broken in front of him, and suddenly there was another difference. The scene comes.

Ye Rumu narrowed his eyes, took Ye Xiaoye's hand, and said, "Ye'er, mother has set up a magic formation in this place, you have to untie the magic formation to go in, otherwise, what is there just now?" The place, the real place, if you don't untie the phantom array, you will really fall off the cliff, understand?"

Ye Xiaoye nodded frequently. Along the way, Ye Rumu patiently explained to him the location of the traps along the way, the solutions to the formations and how to avoid them.

"This phantom array is a bit complicated, I will teach you how to do it when my mother is free, okay?" Ye Rumu rubbed Ye Xiaoye's head.

(End of this chapter)

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