Chapter 560 Meeting 11
On the second day, Ye Rumu fulfilled his promise and began to prepare materials for building houses for the dwarves.

Jingxiu and others also came to help cut wood.

Ye Xiaoye also got up early today, and appeared early in the morning to wait on the open space where Ye Rumu chose to build a new house for the dwarves. When he saw someone coming, he enthusiastically went up and asked if he could help?
Although Ye Xiaoye is about the same height as the dwarves, in the eyes of the dwarves, Ye Xiaoye is still a four-year-old child, so he will not let Ye Xiaoye do anything for them, and Ye Xiaoye is still running around Ye Rumu laughed at how busy he was.

"Ye'er, come here." Ye Rumu beckoned to Ye Xiaoye, and Ye Xiaoye immediately ran up, reaching out to grab Ye Rumu's hand.

Sweetly shouted: "Mother~"

"Good boy~" Ye Rumu rubbed Ye Xiaoye's head and said, "Ye'er, are you tired? Take a rest first?"

Seeing that Ye Xiaoye had been running for so long, the corners of Ye Rumu's lips twitched slightly, he didn't want Ye Xiaoye to run around again, but those dwarves didn't dare to ask Ye Xiaoye to help.

"No! Mother, I am very happy to help them build their own home!" Ye Xiaoye clenched his fists, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said righteously.

"Well... okay, but they don't need your help now, can they take a break? Hmm?" Seeing that the dwarves were about to rest, Ye Rumu grabbed Ye Xiaoye who was about to run over .

Ye Xiaoye looked at it, and nodded in embarrassment, "Okay, let them rest, and I will also rest, and I will help them later!"

Ye Rumu obeyed Fu forehead, little ancestor, you can't just sit still!

Ye Rumu picked up Ye Xiaoye and said, "Let's go, I'll show you something!"

"What is it?" Ye Xiaoye looked at Ye Rumu suspiciously, what did he want to show him?Mysterious!
"You went to see it, don't you know?" Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows and looked at Ye Xiaoye.

Ye Xiaoye nodded, oh, and stopped asking.

"Good." Ye Rumu smiled, Ye Xiaoye at this time is very good.

"Mother, I want to discuss something with you." Ye Xiaoye shook Ye Rumu's clothes.

"What's the matter?" Ye Rumu asked.

"Mother, when I go to Tianhe City, can you let me meet Erya? I miss Erya so much!" Ye Xiaoye clasped her two little hands together and looked at Ye Rumu tangled.

Ye Rumu was stunned, and asked, "Who is Er Ya?"

Who knows, Ye Xiaoye looked at Ye Rumu in surprise, and asked curiously: "Mother? When did your memory become so bad? Erya, you don't even remember who it is?"

"..." She didn't even know who she was talking about, how could she remember?
"So, who is this Erya?" Ye Rumu asked.

But I know that from time to time, some girls' names that Ye Rumu doesn't know will come out of Ye Xiaoye's mouth, so I don't have much curiosity, it should be another little confidant of Ye Xiaoye.

"That's right, it's Erya..." Ye Xiaoye covered her cheeks with her hands, looking shy.

Ye Rumu was stunned for a moment, and pulled his lips. He should have known a long time ago, and it was another confidant of Ye Xiaoye, who still asked!
But Ye Rumu still couldn't control himself, curious about how old Ye Xiaoye knew this time, so he asked, "How old is Er Ya? What's your real name?"

(End of this chapter)

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