Chapter 572 Dismissal 5
Wenren Qiubai seemed to have found support, crying to the point of breaking his heart.

Mrs. Wenren felt pain in her heart when she heard this, she kept comforting Wenren Qiubai, and when she finally comforted Wenren Qiubai, Mrs. Wenren became sad herself.

"Daughter, my mother didn't agree with you marrying into the Prince Regent's Mansion at the beginning. The relationship between the Prince Regent and the Emperor is not as harmonious as it seems on the surface. You will definitely suffer a loss if you marry into the Prince Regent's Mansion! Unfortunately, you lived and died at that time Don’t listen to what my mother said! What about your father, your father actually agrees with you? So, my mother thought, if you live a happy life, then that’s all. Sigh... Who knows... You have lived these past few years What day is it? If you don't marry and go to the palace, with your status, you can find a well-matched family, and you will be more than enough to be a regular wife!" Mrs. Wenren felt sorry for Wenren Qiubai's current experience.

Back then when Wenren Qiubai wanted to marry into the Regent's Palace, Mrs. Wenren refused 1 times!
But no matter what, the emperor intends to let his daughter go to the Regent's Palace as an undercover agent, even if Mrs. Wenren doesn't want to, she can't go against the emperor!Simply, Wenren Qiubai also liked Baili Yao, so Mrs. Wenren reluctantly agreed.

The result of doing this is to raise Wen's family's status to a higher level, and there is no other benefit.

"Mother, you have misunderstood the prince. In fact, my daughter has lived very comfortably in the palace for the past few years. I am the most favored one in the palace! On weekdays, the wives in the palace are the only ones who look after me. The wind is blowing, but it is also comfortable and comfortable." Wenren Qiubai said, with a happy smile on his face.

Mrs. Wenren frowned fiercely, seeing that what Wenren Qiubai said did not seem to be a lie, besides, Wenren Qiubai had said before that she had a very good life in the palace, so she thought it was a lie to her, but now it seems that it may not be true. .

"Then why did you end up in this situation?" Mrs. Wenren was very puzzled. Since she was the most favored, why did she end up in such a state?

What's more, didn't it mean that Baili Yao said that as long as he leaves the palace this time, no one is allowed to go back?

Wenren Qiubai's complexion changed and turned pale. The next moment, an expression of incomparable hatred appeared on his face, and he gritted his teeth and said, "It's not because of Ye Rumu! Ever since Ye Rumu married, I don't know whether the prince is What is wrong with her! She started ignoring her daughter! She still defends and dotes on that unfaithful woman in every possible way! Mother, tell me, why is this? Ye Rumu is a person who smells like copper all over her body. Why would my daughter be treated like this by the prince? Obviously, I should be the one who made the prince treat me like this!"

As soon as this was mentioned, Wenren Qiubai became even more dissatisfied.

In addition, Ye Rumu made her feel so embarrassed before, Wenren Qiubai hated Ye Rumu even more when she thought about it!
Mrs. Wenren sighed and shook her head, her daughter is still too young!

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now, mother will go to your father first, and let your father find a way for you, you, just stay in the room honestly, and stay at home for a few more days!" Mrs. Wenren He reached out and stroked his daughter's cheek. Ever since Wenren Qiubai got married, he never came back to live here!

"Yes! Mother, I understand." Wenren Qiubai responded aggrievedly.

Now there is nothing to do, she doesn't want to die,
(End of this chapter)

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