Chapter 574 I Don't Know
Thinking of this, Wen Renyun forced a smile and said: "My lord, this minister is Wen Ren Qiubai's father, Wen Renyun."

"Oh." Baili Yao nodded, expressing his understanding.

But after Wen Renyun heaved a sigh of relief, he continued to ask: "Who is Wenren Qiubai? Why has this king never heard of it?"

This time, Wen Renyun was no longer as simple as being angry!But want to vomit blood three feet!
Is this what my daughter said was very favored in the palace?Is this the way Ye Rumu hasn't been favored since Ye Rumu came?
Originally, Baili Yao didn't care about his daughter at all!
"'s the minister's daughter, my lord, your wife..." Wen Renyun reluctantly finished answering.

It has already been said for this sake, and without explaining everything clearly, Wen Renyun feels that tomorrow he will be the joke of the whole capital!

But now it seems that he has become a joke in the whole capital, not only him, even his daughter!
"Master Wenren was joking. This king doesn't have any wives. There is only one concubine in the mansion." Baili Yao corrected him lightly. He has never heard of Wenren Qiubai, so he wants to give it to him?no way!
"Pfft..." Hearing this, Wen Renyun spurted out a mouthful of old blood!
"Come on! Come on! It's unlucky to squirt blood in front of the emperor! Come on quickly! Drag this man to the miscellaneous family!" The old eunuch in front of the emperor shouted exaggeratedly, pawning for Baili Yao As soon as he made an assist, he immediately sent someone to drag Wen Renyun down.

Those ministers who originally wanted to stand up and speak for their daughters did not dare to act rashly now!
If they also encountered such an embarrassing situation, they would also be so angry that they would vomit blood!

Bailiyu kept watching this scene, and after Wen Renyun was pulled down, he yelled angrily: "Nonsense! Brother, you are really messing around! Look at a good minister, who is so angry with you! How can you be like this?" Don't you want outsiders to say that our royal family is ruthless and ungrateful?"

Bailiyu's words made many ministers agree in their hearts, especially those who had just lost their daughters. Although many ministers have only a concubine daughter, you don't have to worry about it, but the prostitute daughter in the family has not married yet... If the concubine daughter Replacing the concubine and becoming a side concubine will also be of great help to my official career!

It's just that now I'm not sure in my heart, even if I marry my daughter to Baili Yao, will it help me?

Baili Yao is... even their daughter can't remember!Not to mention their father-in-laws!

"Your majesty is worrying too much. I really don't know that minister just now, and the famous man Qiubai he said in his mouth. I don't remember that there is such a person. Besides, your majesty, besides the concubine, there is no one in my house now. There are no other women anymore." Baili Yao's indifferent answer became a completely different scene from Baili Yu's anger.

"Nonsense! If the women in the family don't make too many mistakes, they can't give up at will. If you do this, you are leaving my Dongxing rules behind!" Bailiyu became even more angry now, and slapped the dragon in front of him fiercely. shore!
All the ministers did not expect Bailiyu to be so angry, so they all knelt down in fright.

"Your Majesty misunderstood. It wasn't my younger brother who gave up. It was because they were greedy for life and afraid of death, and they were unwilling to face difficulties with my younger brother. When my younger brother was in danger,
(End of this chapter)

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