Chapter 586 Discovering the Secret 11
Qingxin and the others are completely dependent on Ye Rumu's attitude towards Yunying. Since Ye Rumu doesn't care about this matter, they will no longer be serious about this matter.

Ye Xiaoye was brought into Yunying's small wooden house by Ye Rumu, Ye Xiaoye looked at the very warm little house decorated by Yunying, opened his eyes in surprise, looked at Yunying in surprise and said: "Uncle Yunying , so beautiful! Can I come and play with you in the future?"

Yun Ying nodded and agreed, "Of course."

"I want to stay now, mother~" Ye Xiaoye shouted coquettishly, shaking Ye Rumu's arm.

"No! Ye'er, we've been away for so long, it's time to go back to the Prince Regent's Mansion, otherwise your father should be worried too. Obedient, how about we come to see Uncle Yunying next time?" Ye Rumu had a headache, just now He wanted to go back to see Xiaowei, but when he saw Yunying, he refused to leave. Could it be that Yunying is really so attractive?

Thinking about it, Ye Rumu was amused by his own thoughts.

"But... I haven't seen Uncle Yunying for a long time... Besides, Uncle Yunying will be lonely if he lives here alone!" Ye Xiaoye pouted, arguing with reason.

Ye Rumu twitched the corners of his lips, looked at Yunying, and shrugged helplessly.

Yun Ying knew that Ye Rumu and the others could not stay outside for long.

After all, one is the princess and the other is the little prince. How can he leave the capital for a long time?

"Little prince, I will stay here forever. Now you go back to the capital with the princess, and if you miss me later, just come and see me." Yun Ying persuaded.

Ye Xiaoye was still not very happy, and asked repeatedly: "Are you really going to be here all the time? Won't you lie to me?"

Yunying originally had the idea of ​​moving out of here, but after hearing Ye Xiaoye's words, she really didn't know what to say.

He opened his mouth, but he refused to say that he wanted to leave.

"How could I lie to you? When did uncle lie to you?" But in fact, he has been deceived before. For example, he said before that he would take Ye Xiaoye to find Ye Rumu? ...

"Your Uncle Yunying will naturally live here all the time. How can there be such beautiful scenery as our Xianbai Mountain in a radius of thousands of miles? Your Uncle Yunying will definitely not be willing to leave." Ye Rumu said, really worried about Ye Rumu Xiao Ye wanted to stay here forever, and was reluctant to leave.

Ye Xiaoye was dubious, and asked: "Really? Uncle Yunying, is what mother said is true? You won't be willing to leave! Also, there is such a lovely me here, you won't be willing!"

Ye Xiaoye nodded as he spoke, feeling more and more that what he said made sense.

Yunying silently glanced at the so-called scenery outside the window... Except for trees or trees, there is no scenery at all...

However, since Ye Rumu doesn't mind him living here, Yunying won't leave for the time being, so she nodded: "Well, I will stay here forever, so the little prince can rest assured?"

Ye Xiaoye nodded happily, with a smile on his face: "Of course I am happy! You must remember what you said, stay here forever! Don't leave!"

Yunying smiled and nodded, "Naturally."

After drinking the tea, it seemed that it was getting late, Ye Rumu pulled Ye Xiaoye up and asked, "Now that you have drunk the tea, you know where your Uncle Yunying lives, and you know where Uncle Yunying is? Will leave here and go somewhere else,
(End of this chapter)

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