Chapter 625 There is news 10
But the current Ye family is in Dongxing country after all, and Chunyu Heiji has no way to spend a lot of trouble to destroy the Ye family again.

What's more, now Baili Yao is still helping the Ye family!In the past, Chunyu Heiji planned to get rid of the Ye family without anyone noticing, and left immediately after taking the things!
Who would have thought that Ye Rumu and Baili Yao had already prepared themselves!Just waiting for her to deliver it to the door!
Fortunately, Ye Rumu has been able to suffer once, and that's the only thing that can give Chunyu Heiji a little sense of accomplishment...

For so many years, she can get what she wants, when has she been so aggrieved?

Chunyu Heiji took a deep breath,

It's okay not to think about it, but when I think about it, I'm full of unwillingness!

This is the first time I want to work so hard for something!
"Check! Check it out for me! If you don't find out about this matter, you don't want to come back!"

Chunyu Heiji roared angrily and drove everyone out.

But at this moment, Baili Yao and the others had successfully entered the border of Dongxing Kingdom, and after arriving in Dongxing Kingdom, they no longer had to worry about being overtaken by Chunyu Heiji's people.

After finding a place to stay, Baili Yao asked someone to wake up the people from Tianyu Miaojiang. Seeing the man opened his eyes in a daze, Baili Yao looked indifferent, and waited for him to wake up in no hurry.

The man slowly opened his eyes, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a man with outstanding looks and extraordinary temperament sitting in front of him. Although the clothes on his body were simple, it was not difficult to see that they were extremely expensive fabrics!
Even though the man has never come out in Tianyu Miaojiang, he is not ignorant!

"You... who are you?" The man looked at Baili Yao vigilantly, and wanted to push back vigilantly, but found that he was already tied up!

Immediately he said angrily: "Who are you? What's your purpose in arresting me? I don't know you, and I'm not your enemy!"

"Let go of me quickly, or I will report to the police!"

Baili Yao raised his eyebrows after hearing what the man said, but still didn't say anything.

And Yun Xing next to him couldn't suppress his arrogance, rolled his big eyes suddenly, and said with disgust: "Report! You go to report! I'll give you time to go, you report to the official If we really catch us all, we will lose!"

"Then untie me quickly!" The man didn't really want to report to the police, but just wanted to scare these people so that they would escape when he untied him!

"Untie? You think beautifully! Just leave like this!" Yun Xing waved his hands carelessly and said impatiently.

"You!" The man finally knew that he was being played for fun!

If you don't let go, how can you let him go?
"Hey? Aren't you going to go? Go? We didn't say we would untie you!" Yun Xing said confidently.

The man's face turned red from holding back, and he couldn't find any words to refute. Yes, they really didn't say that they would untie him?
"Little man!" The man could only choke out these two words in the end.

"Hmph, master, I am a villain."

Yunxing is not ashamed, but proud.


There is no way to communicate properly!
"What are you trying to catch me for? I don't know you, and I don't know anything. You don't need to catch me! I don't know anything."

(End of this chapter)

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