Chapter 637
Still a little dazed, he replied after a while: "Ready, Uncle Huang, although we can set off!"

"En." Baili Yao nodded, and after giving some instructions to Ye Rumu, he left with Baili Chengxuan.

The ones who followed Baili Yao away were Yun Feng and Yun Xing, who had remained unchanged for thousands of years. Except for these two, Bai Liyao didn't take anyone with him, and they all stayed in the Prince Regent's Palace to protect Ye Rumu.

Ye Rumu led Ye Xiaoye, who had been silent all this time, into the room, and asked, "What? Are you unhappy that you have been silent all this time?"

"Well, it feels like Daddy will be away for a long time, lady, if I miss Daddy and Daddy can't come back, what should I do?"

Ye Xiaoye sniffed. He didn't have a father before, and he didn't feel that he was different from other children. Anyway, other people's mothers are not as good as his mother, but since having a father, Ye Xiaoye feels that he is right for his father. A dependence has arisen, except for the two previous times when father and mother left for a period of time, Baili Yao has never left his side, and Ye Xiaoye doesn't want him to leave, but she is very sensible and didn't want to keep him.

"That's simple, don't you want to miss your mother?"

Ye Rumu said seriously, what do you mean by missing your father?Can't you miss her?
"Mother, I can see you every day, why do I miss you?"

Ye Xiaoye looked at Ye Rumu with contempt, as if to say, look at the look in my eyes that I dislike you.

Ye Rumu patted Ye Xiaoye's head, sighed and said: "As expected, I have a father, so I forgot about my mother!"

Ye Xiaoye: "..."

Now the eyes look even more disgusted with Ye Rumu.

"Mother, Dad is not in the capital now, we are just the two of us, so bored, take me somewhere to play."

Ye Xiaoye tugged at the corner of Ye Rumu's clothes mischievously, and said coquettishly.

Ye Rumu also happened to have this idea, it is impossible to stay obediently in the Prince Regent's mansion!
After thinking for a while, Ye Rumu said, "Son, we haven't seen your grandfathers named Mu for a long time, why don't we go and see them today?"

Ever since the six old men surnamed Mu and the six generals who followed the first emperor came out, they did not live in the place that could only be accessed by the Prince Regent's Mansion.

Instead, they moved outside the suburbs and lived with the army.

Since that time, Ye Rumu and Ye Xiaoye haven't seen them.

Ye Xiaoye's eyes lit up, and he nodded repeatedly, "Okay, okay!"

As long as he said that he met those old men surnamed Mu, Ye Xiaoye would agree without even thinking about it. As for why?Of course, the old man surnamed Mu was very generous to Ye Xiaoye!As long as it is the baby that Ye Xiaoye likes, all of them will be handed over to Ye Xiaoye!

So now if you want to say who Ye Xiaoye likes the most, it is probably those old men.

And the old poison doctor has returned to his place now, Ye Rumu feels a little regretful, the old poison doctor has been lonely for most of his life, until he met her and Ye Xiaoye, he was not so lonely, the old poison doctor and those few The old man got along quite well, if they were together, Ye Rumu wouldn't worry that they would be bored.

Just do what you say, after a bit of preparation, Ye Rumu took Ye Xiaoye, Qingxin Qingxue and Qingjue to the suburbs.

According to the rules, soldiers are not allowed to enter the capital,
(End of this chapter)

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