Chapter 696 Who Is She 3
Because Situ Chuxi was not happy that others said bad things about Baili Yao!

"Ling'er!" Situ Chuxi scolded!

Linger was startled, lowered her head, and said, "I'm sorry, miss, it's Linger who is talking too much..."

"Okay, it's okay, just stop talking about things like this in the future."

Situ Chuxi took a deep breath, remembering the time when he left the family because of Baili Yao, he felt sore in his heart.

But, for Baili Yao, she doesn't care about anything anymore!

What's more, the first step has been wrong, and it will continue to be wrong in the future!
"Miss, we have been here for so long, shouldn't we go back to the Prince Regent's Mansion? The prince said that you can freely enter and leave the palace for the rest of your life. It is because you haven't shown up for more than a year that you let others There is an opportunity! Ling'er thinks that Miss shouldn't be hiding like this!"

Ling'er persuaded earnestly.

Situ Chuxi seemed to be still sitting calmly, but in fact he was no longer calm in his heart, holding the corner of his skirt tightly with his hands, looking at the emerald green outside the window.

Situ Chuxi loosened his hands, and sighed, "Ling'er, do you think I don't want to go back? That incident... made me lose face in front of Yao again. If I go back..."

Situ Chuxi hesitated, his hands loosened and tightened, tightened and loosened again!
That's all!When that thing is done, go back!

Ling'er also thought of the incident at the beginning, and called Situ Chuxi's name distressedly, and stopped talking.

That incident was simply a pain in Miss' heart!

Suddenly, a white dove flew in through the window, and Situ Chuxi's eyes were immediately attracted to it.

Situ Chuxi looked at the pigeon and frowned, but did not move.

Ling'er stepped forward, grabbed the pigeon's body, unwrapped the thing tied to the pigeon's feet, opened it and handed it to Situ Chuxi: "Miss!"

Situ Chuxi glanced at it lightly, took it, and opened it.

Seeing the contents inside, Situ Chuxi frowned fiercely, and threw the note in his hand out!
"Liars! They are all liars!" Situ Chuxi broke down suddenly and shouted, his hysterical appearance was terrifying!
Ling'er was taken aback!
Seeing Situ Chuxi's sudden madness, he asked cautiously, "Miss, what's wrong with you?"

Ling'er thought that Situ Chuxi became like this after reading the note. She wanted to know, but she didn't dare to pick it up, so she stood there worried.

"Hehehe... Men are indeed liars!"

Situ Chuxi repeated this sentence again, and Ling'er was even more confused.

I have been here for more than a year, only Yunlei is a man. Could it be that Yunlei did something to apologize to Miss?

If it is really a man, there is only Yunlei alone!

Linger shouted again worriedly, but Situ Chuxi seemed to be trapped in his own thought world, and couldn't hear what Linger said at all.

Situ Chuxi's ferocious appearance made Ling'er feel extremely terrifying!
"Miss, ma'am!"

Ling'er didn't know what to do, so she had to call Situ Chuxi over and over again.

It seemed that Situ Chuxi would not talk to her anymore, Ling'er hesitated for a moment, then walked towards the place where the note was, bent to pick it up, looked at the contents inside, and her expression was not very good either!
(End of this chapter)

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