Chapter 701 Who Is She 8
Linger was surprised, "Miss, how do you know the prince is here? How could the prince be here?"

After Linger's question came out, the guard asked strangely: "Where do you come from? Don't you know that everyone in the whole country knows that the regent is now in Qiangzhou? How come one of your master and servant knows and the other doesn't know?" ?”

Situ Chuxi frowned, and glared at Ling'er, Ling'er didn't dare to speak immediately!It turns out that the Prince Regent is really here!

Situ Chuxi replied: "This girl has been staying at home and has never gone out with me. Naturally, she would think that Yao is in the Prince Regent's Mansion, not here."

Seeing Situ Chuxi calling the regent Prince Yao affectionately, the guards thought it was the regent princess Ye Rumu!After all, the guards have never seen Ye Rumu!
If it was Ye Rumu...would it be possible to catch him on business?
But the guard still wanted to confirm, because if it was the princess regent, how could it be possible that even the maid around her didn't know where the prince regent had gone?

It is not surprising that the regent is a man, or a man of noble status, and has several good friends!

"So that's the case! Then, my lady, what is your relationship with the Prince Regent? I heard that the Princess Regent is as beautiful as a fairy. If not, you are the Princess Regent?"

The guard asked tentatively.

Who knows, Situ Chuxi's complexion changed, and he endured and endured, so he didn't yell out, but said coldly: "You're blind! How could this lady be the one who left Dongxing country people in the fire?" The princess regent who doesn't care!"

Not Situ Chuxi, the guards were a little disappointed, because it meant that they didn't know when the people would get better.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, then may I ask, is this lady here to look for the prince? Miss, it's too dangerous here, you'd better not go in. If there is anything, I will tell you!" Good guard Said in a good voice.

Situ Chuxi glanced at the guard faintly, raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh? Dangerous? That's not necessarily true! Let Miss Ben go in!"

Situ Chuxi is not afraid of these things.

Baili Yao can stay inside, why can't she?

"This... Miss, don't embarrass me anymore. The prince has ordered that no outsiders are allowed to enter, so how about this, or how about I inform you?" the guard suggested in embarrassment.

"Okay, then you can go. Just say that my lady's name is Situ Chuxi." Situ Chuxi said lightly, showing all her arrogance.

"Yes yes yes..." After knowing Situ Chuxi's name, the guard hurried into the city to find Baili Yao.

After Baili Yao knew that it was Situ Chuxi who had come, he frowned and glanced at Ye Rumu.

Ye Rumu wondered why Baili Yao wanted to look at him, and looked at Baili Yao with raised eyebrows.

Baili Yao said: "Pavilion Master Yuexuan."


"Situ Chuxi is here."

Ye Rumu was stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, before they found Situ Chuxi, Situ Chuxi came to him by himself!
When seeing Situ Chuxi, Ye Rumu's eyes were full of surprise!
Ye Rumu has never seen such a beautiful woman!

Everything that should be stunning, she has.And even more exquisite and beautiful, Situ Chuxi is like a fairy walking out of a painting!
Words cannot describe it.

Anyway, this was Situ Chuxi's first feeling for Ye Rumu.

Moreover, Situ Chuxi seemed to have the gentleness and weakness that a woman should have.

(End of this chapter)

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