Chapter 706 Who Is She 11
But as far as a woman's height is concerned, Ye Rumu is not short.

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows helplessly, and discussed: "Don't touch my head from now on, okay?"

Baili Yao nodded and replied, "Okay."

As he spoke, he reached out and touched it again.

Ye Rumu: "..."

How about a good deal?
After that, Baili Yao secretly left Qiangzhou to purchase medicinal materials.

Ye Rumu also stayed in the City Lord's Mansion.

Ever since Situ Chuxi knew that the relationship between Ye Rumu and Baili Yao was "not simple", she always stared at Ye Rumu.

But now Ye Rumu still appears as a man.

After learning that Baili Yao had gone out to do errands, Situ Chuxi gritted his teeth, approached Ye Rumu, and asked gently: "Hello, I'm Situ Chuxi, Yao's former woman, I want to be with Ye Rumu." You talk, can you?"

Ye Rumu frowned, Baili Yao's former woman? ? !

Ye Rumu wanted to know what this woman wanted to say, so she didn't refuse, "Okay."

Situ Chuxi immediately smiled softly, "The master of the Yuexuan pavilion, this way please!"

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows and followed Situ Chuxi.

Situ Chuxi took Ye Rumu to his room on purpose, just to have a good chat with Ye Rumu about Baili Yao!

Entering Situ Chuxi's room, Ye Rumu always felt a little bad, after all, she is a "man" now!

"Pavilion Master Yuexuan, please sit down." Situ Chuxi asked Ye Rumu to sit down with a gentle smile.

Ye Rumu glanced at the stool, sat down, looked at Situ Chuxi and asked, "Miss Situ, I wonder if you are looking for me for something important?"

Situ Chuxi paused, but still did not rush to answer, but picked up the warmed wine from the side, first poured Ye Rumu a glass, and then poured himself a glass.

Ye Rumu glanced at it, but didn't move.

Seeing that Ye Rumu didn't take it, Situ Chuxi didn't mind, but shrugged helplessly, and asked, "Pavilion Master Yuexuan, this is a fine wine. If you don't drink it, is it because you are afraid that I will drug it?" ?”

Ye Rumu narrowed his eyes, shook his head, and said, "No, it's just that at this time, I really don't have much interest in drinking! It's still such an expensive wine! Miss Situ is so kind, and she does her best to help the people , why don’t you drink less wine and donate it all?”

Situ Chuxi paused while drinking, and looked at the wine that he had brought all the way, his heart seemed to be bleeding, but Situ Chuxi also found an excuse and said: "These wines are all made by old friends. I gave it as a gift, how can I sell it? I do my best to help the people, and I also want the people to live well. I don’t know what the regent princess thinks, but she can’t hide all the time, watching so Many people died, alas... Yao is really blind, how could he marry such a woman?"

Situ Chuxi complained.

The corner of Ye Rumu's mouth twitched, the woman you mentioned is right in front of you!
It's not her fault, why should she bear it?

Ye Rumu will not take this responsibility!

"It's not wrong for the princess regent to do this. After all, the other party is too cruel, even a four-year-old child will not be spared!"

When Ye Rumu was talking, he didn't notice that Situ Chuxi's hands under the table were tightly clenched.

(End of this chapter)

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