Chapter 709 Who Is She 16
At the beginning, Bailiyu asked the rich businessman to donate his family property, and this rich businessman was also sensible and donated more than half of his family property.In order to make it difficult for Baili Yao, and to prevent the power behind Yao from becoming stronger, Bailiyu decided to choose one of the wealthy businessmen without status to marry. "

"And at this time, I just heard about Ye Rumu. In order to embarrass Yao's face, Bailiyu deliberately gave Ye Rumu a marriage to Yao! And Yao didn't know what was going on, so he could refuse it. Bailiyu couldn't do anything to him, but he just didn't refuse! At that time, Yao must be crazy!"

Situ Chuxi gritted her teeth, it would be great if she was here at that time!If she was here, she could have prevented all this from happening!
"Oh? Miss Situ knows quite well. Didn't Miss Situ say that Miss Situ lived on the mountain with the maid Ling'er before?"

Saying that, Ye Rumu glanced at Ling'er who was standing aside.

Seeing Ye Rumu looking at her, Ling'er replied: "Actually, my lady didn't know about these things when she was on the mountain. After she went down the mountain and heard that the prince came to Qiangzhou, she slowly inquired about it along the way! "

"So that's the case? Then Miss Situ, can you tell me about Ye Rumu's story?"

Ye Rumu still wants to know more about this.

"Oh..." Situ Chuxi sighed heavily, and said, "If you tell me, maybe you won't believe it, but Yao actually wants such a woman!"

Ye Rumu squinted his eyes, listening to others talking about him in this tone, as if he didn't say that he wasn't himself.

"Speaking of this Ye Rumu, she is also a miraculous woman! I heard that in the past, this woman bullied the weak and feared the hard, and she was bullied by the concubine sister at home! It's useless, a good concubine daughter is actually bullied by the concubine daughter! Later, Ye Rumu's relationship with others was caught and fucked in bed, and Ye Rumu's reputation was completely ruined!"

"After that, she was sent to Tianhe City by her father. When she came back again, she didn't come back alone, and brought a child with her! And this child, I don't know whose it is! That's it, Ye Ru Mu's reputation is huge, but it's not a good reputation."

"Pavilion Master Yuexuan must not be keen on these things, and he doesn't have so much time to pay attention to them, so that's okay. If you want to know anything, the little girl can tell you."

Situ Chuxi is trying to curry favor with Ye Rumu now.

If Situ Chuxi knew that the person in front of her was Ye Rumu, whom she had been thinking about all day long, she would vomit three liters of blood!

"Hehe, so there is such a thing. I really don't pay much attention to it."

Ye Rumu laughed dryly, well, she knew all these things, Situ Chuxi didn't exaggerate, but in fact, no matter whether Situ Chuxi said exaggerated or not, these things are enough to destroy a woman in this age .

Even in modern times, when such things happen, women are discriminated against in many places.

Situ Chuxi smiled, expressing his understanding.

"Pavilion Master Yuexuan, I heard that you and Yao have known each other for a long time. Can the little girl inquire about how you met Yao?"

Situ Chuxi asked with interest, after all, Pavilion Master Yuexuan was the first person to have such a good relationship with Baili Yao!
(End of this chapter)

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