Chapter 711 Who Is She 18
Ye Rumu shook his head, a little ashamed, the famous master of Yuexuan Pavilion...

"Nothing happened, but she kept asking me about Baili Yao."

"Oh! She likes Boy Yao, isn't it normal to ask about Boy Yao? Is there anything else besides this?"


"whats the matter?"

"She wants to seduce/seduce me!"


The poison doctor couldn't believe his ears!

Seduce/seduce Ye Rumu? ?Mu girl? ?

"Why is she...that you?" The poison doctor asked, didn't Situ Chuxi love Baili Yao so deeply that he would never change until death?
"Maybe... because I'm handsome?"

Ye Rumu also had a rare sense of humor.

The poison doctor cast a contemptuous glance at Ye Rumu, then just looked at Ye Rumu silently and said nothing.

"By the way, old man, how about the antidote?"

The poison doctor looked around and saw no one was there, "Come with me, I'll tell you."

Just lead the way ahead.

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows and followed.

After coming to a remote place and making sure that no one would pass by, the poison doctor said to Ye Rumu: "Actually, I have researched this antidote, but the effect is still a bit slow, and it will take some time to see. Yesterday, all the previous medicines have been replaced one after another. Now the people are drinking the prescriptions I wrote yesterday. No one knows about this. What to do. According to my intuition, the other party should also be a person who is a master of poison! Know how to combine herbs together to make people die faster, but they can't see anything!"

What the poison doctor said, Ye Rumu was terrified when he heard it!

Fortunately, the poison doctor said that the prescription was finally written out, but...the bad news is still not known if it will work!

"It's too much to scare the snake away. Everything I do is done in secret. No one knows, so please don't reveal it." The poison doctor warned worriedly.

Ye Rumu nodded and said, "Don't worry, I've made a note of this matter."

"Just write it down! That Situ Chuxi, you have to be careful! If your identity is exposed by the head of the Shendao Sect, the one who will be attacked next will not be the regent princess, but the Yuexuan pavilion master." !"

The poison doctor said worriedly.

After all, why was he spotted by the master of the Shendao Sect before?

"He's not such a nosy person. What's more, what Jun Moli wants to do can't be done without my Yuexuan Pavilion's help. He won't betray me."

Ye Rumu still has some understanding of Jun Moli, and he hopes that what he thinks is correct!
"This matter, you just need to have a bottom line in your heart. But you must be on guard against others, and you must always be careful!"

"it is good!"


At this time, outside the city of Qiangzhou, there was another uninvited guest.

Gu Xin'er raised her eyebrows lightly, looking at the city of Qiangzhou, the makeup on her face returned to heavy makeup, the corners of her lips that were painted bright red were slightly raised, and she looked at Qiangzhou with an unknown smile.

Because Yun Ying had already run away, another man with superior appearance and temperament appeared beside Gu Xin'er, and this man's martial arts were much stronger than Yun Ying's!

Gu Xin'er is very satisfied with the new man who follows her!

"Ah Bai." Gu Xin'er's bright red lips slowly overflowed two words.

"Ah Bai is here."

(End of this chapter)

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