Chapter 717 Who Is She 24
Situ Chuxi closed his eyes, and when he opened them, he had swallowed all the humiliation.

From the day she left the family, she knew that besides Baili Yao, she was the only one left to rely on!

So she has to become stronger!
"Okay, let's go in!"

Situ Chuxi said lightly, the embarrassment just now had been taken back, only her original arrogance remained.

"Yes, Miss." Ling'er replied, carefully helping Situ Chuxi in.

Entering inside, as soon as Situ Chuxi stepped in, he heard Gu Xin'er asking.

"Why didn't you see the Prince Regent? Didn't you say that the Prince Regent is in Qiangzhou? Could it be that I remembered wrongly?"

Situ Chuxi's hand tightened suddenly.

Ling'er endured the pain of being pinched vigorously by Situ Chuxi, while comforting Situ Chuxi: "Miss, don't be angry! She just wants to make you angry! So that the prince will hate you step by step, and now the prince is not here. She You can also bully you wantonly! It’s okay if Pavilion Master Yuexuan is here, but if Pavilion Master Yuexuan isn’t there, you will be at a disadvantage! When the prince asks, she will push all the faults to you, Miss. Body! Miss, you are so kind and simple, don’t fall for it!”

Situ Chuxi endured and endured, nodded and said, "I know!"

Seeing that Situ Chuxi listened, Linger breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the lady is no longer impulsive, everything will be easy to talk about!

Next, Situ Chuxi heard Pavilion Master Yuexuan's answer.

Ye Rumu said: "My lord has something to do, I have to leave for a few days, and I will be back soon."

"Where did you go?"

"This matter is a secret, sorry I can't tell the saint!"

Ye Rumu refused to speak out, and Gu Xin'er didn't ask any further, nodded and said: "Since Pavilion Master Yuexuan doesn't want to say more, then I won't ask anymore, I'll wait here for the prince to come back!"

Ye Rumu was a little surprised that Gu Xin'er didn't ask further questions.

I always thought that Gu Xin'er would not give up on Baili Yao's news so easily, but now it seems that Gu Xin'er is not completely like that.

"The holy lady is so understanding, I admire you!" Ye Rumu praised appropriately.

Gu Xin'er smiled slightly, nodded slightly, and said with a light smile, "Miao Zan, the master of Yuexuan Pavilion, I just don't want to make trouble for the prince!"

As he said that, he glanced at Situ Chuxi meaningfully. Anyone who is not blind would understand that Gu Xin'er was saying that Situ Chuxi had caused trouble for Baili Yao!
Naturally, Situ Chuxi was not stupid, nor was he so stupid that he couldn't see anything. When he saw Gu Xin'er's meaningful look, he immediately exploded with rage!

But they didn't clearly say it was her, and they didn't mention her name. If she got angry, Gu Xin'er would definitely say that she didn't have any education or quality!So Situ Chuxi endured it.

The corners of Ye Rumu's eyes twitched. These two are really afraid that the world will not be chaotic!
Quickly said: "I don't know if the saint has any good ways to prevent the people from suffering this plague?"

"I have generally done some research on these intractable and miscellaneous diseases. I thought that I might be able to help the Lord Regent and the people of Dongxing Kingdom, so I came here. As for the method... Before I saw the plague patient, There is no good solution for now.”

Gu Xin'er shook her head and said.

What can she do?The left is just for Baili Yao!
(End of this chapter)

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