Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 719 Gu Xin'er's Purpose 2

Chapter 719 Gu Xin'er's Purpose 2
"You don't need Pavilion Master Yuexuan to worry about this, I have my own measure!"

"That's good."


The two chatted happily while Situ Chuxi and Ling'er stood aside, staring at Gu Xin'er bitterly.

"Miss, this Gu Xin'er is really good at winning people's hearts! How long has it been? You have bribed the master of Yuexuan Pavilion!" Ling'er said indignantly.

Situ Chuxi shook his head. After calming down, he thought more, and said disdainfully: "Ling'er, do you think Brother Yuexuan really thinks highly of this Gu Xiner? Zuo just wanted to use the Poisonous Wolf Sect to It’s all about her ability to achieve what she wants. Anyway, if she can really help Yao solve this plague, I can tolerate her for a few days!”

"Miss... But she obviously covets the prince. If the prince admires her because of this matter, what should I do?"

Ling'er was a little worried. In this case, wouldn't she lose sight of her young lady?

Situ Chuxi shook his head, showing a weird smile, and said softly, "Do you really think that she can cure this plague? Hehe, it's just a whimsical idea. Except for that person, no one can cure it!"

"Miss, what are you talking about?" Ling'er looked at Situ Chuxi with wide eyes in doubt, not understanding what Situ Chuxi meant, and who was the person the lady mentioned?

Situ Chuxi frowned, and said with a frown: "It's nothing." Then he warned: "What I said to you, you must not let anyone know! Did you hear that?"

Although Linger was puzzled, she still nodded obediently, "Miss, don't worry, I promise that no one word of what we have said will be known to others!"

Situ Chuxi wanted to say something else, but the sound of the poison doctor and Baili Chengxuan coming over from the other side attracted Situ Chuxi's attention, and he looked at the poison doctor.

The poison doctor came over, saw the strange woman, and asked doubtfully, "Who is this?"

Before Ye Rumu could speak, Gu Xin'er stood up by herself and said, "I'm Gu Xin'er, this must be the senior poison doctor!"

What Gu Xin'er said was affirmation, not doubt, which proved that she knew the poison doctor.

Otherwise, as far as the City Lord's Mansion is concerned, there are many old people, why didn't they guess that he is a servant?
The poison doctor frowned, nodded, and said, "Exactly!"

"Senior Poison Doctor, I've admired you for a long time!" Gu Xin'er cupped her fists at the Poison Doctor with a sincere expression on her face.

What Gu Xin'er said about long admiration is indeed not a lie.

The Poisonous Wolf Cult has done a lot of research on poison. When Gu Xin'er was young, what Gu Xin'er wanted most was to visit this poison doctor and let the poison doctor teach him about poison.

It's just that so many years have passed, Gu Xin'er has never found anyone, and now it is not so strong, but seeing the poison doctor, Gu Xin'er saw it at first sight with his inner feeling!
The poison doctor just nodded, walked over, sat down opposite Ye Rumu, and said to Gu Xin'er, "You sit too."

Gu Xin'er nodded and sat beside Ye Rumu.

Baili Chengxuan followed, frowning, Gu Xin'er?

Not thinking too much for the time being, seeing Situ Chuxi who was still standing there, Baili Chengxuan walked over and asked, "Chu Xi, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so ugly?"

Seeing Baili Chengxuan asking, Ling'er wanted to avenge Situ Chuxi with an aggrieved face: "Isn't it..."

(End of this chapter)

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