Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 723 Gu Xin'er's Purpose 6

Chapter 723 Gu Xin'er's Purpose 6
After delaying everyone's time for a long time, in the end, he finally had no choice but to explain that he had no choice? "

Gu Xin'er looked at Situ Chuxi coldly, then suddenly shook her head and smiled, she felt that a young lady like Situ Chuxi obviously couldn't keep up with her intelligence!
There is no need to fight at all, so Gu Xin'er has lost interest in her!
"Yeah, it's better than some people who don't do anything at all and know that their elder brother is good and their elder brother is short!" Gu Xin'er didn't take the route of coquetry and cuteness. Seeing such people, she just felt impatient!

"You! Why do you say that about me! Even Yao never said that about me!"

"Am I talking about you? Are your ears bad?"

"You're talking about me!"

"Oh, so there are still people who like to take dirty water by themselves? Then since you like it, it's you!"


Seeing the two started again, the others felt a headache, so they had no choice but to evacuate the tent. Fortunately, there was only one patient inside, so it was not troublesome to remove.

After coming out for a long time, the poison doctor looked at Ye Rumu walking on his right and Baili Chengxuan on his left, silently moved towards Baili Chengxuan, and said, "Women are really scary!"

"Senior is so cute." Hearing what the poison doctor said, Baili Chengxuan couldn't help but say.

The poison doctor stared at him, curled his lips and said, "Who are you calling cute! This old man has lived a long time! No one has ever said that this old man is cute!"

Baili Chengxuan twitched the corner of his mouth and stopped talking.

"Eldest Prince, you have to work hard today to appease the people."

Ye Rumu said suddenly.

Fortunately, Baili Chengxuan had no objection, nodded and said, "As the prince of Dongxing, this is what I should do!"

Ye Rumu just smiled, "Old man, let's go!"

After Ye Rumu and the poison doctor left alone, Baili Chengxuan immediately went to appease the people and do daily things.

Seeing that Ye Rumu was the only one in front of him, the poison doctor's expression finally sank, and he said, "This Gu Xin'er really has some abilities!"

"Oh? What happened?"

Ye Rumu didn't pay attention to that side just now, so he didn't know what happened to make the poison doctor say that.

"She almost saw my cover. Fortunately, I was witty! I fooled her at the critical moment!" The poison doctor said with lingering fear. He thought that Gu Xin'er was just a little girl, but she knew too much. He is right!

According to Ye Rumu's account of the time he spent with Gu Xin'er, Gu Xin'er is indeed not simple!
"Guarding a Poisonous Wolf Cult by one person, old man, tell me, how easy is it?"

If it was simple, would he still be able to live till now?
Even though she is the daughter of the first leader, if she doesn't have any strength, she will be kicked down by others!
And Gu Xin'er has not inherited the position of leader for so many years, but has left it vacant, always occupying the position of saint!
However, everyone knows that the current Saintess of the Poisonous Wolf Cult is the person in charge of the Poisonous Wolf Cult!

"Thinking about it, too, I thought this kid wasn't that powerful! But thinking about the things about the Poisonous Wolf Sect in the past, I think this girl is really scary! I don't know how much blood is on her hands! You must Take care of this person! Even if your identity is not revealed, you cannot let your guard down in front of her!" The poison doctor warned.

(End of this chapter)

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