Chapter 731 Who Framed Who 6
In the past, your Poisonous Wolf Cult was an enemy of the entire continent. If Dongxing Kingdom hadn’t been isolated by the other three countries this time, we would never have joined you no matter what!Even though you know you don't know how to restrain yourself, you still dare to harm the suffering people of our country! "

The more Baili Chengxuan talked, the more angry he became!
People were murdered in front of him, but he couldn't do anything!
"Okay, Eldest Prince, we must give others a chance to avenge everything." Ye Rumu frowned, preventing Baili Chengxuan from continuing.

If it's true that Gu Xin'er did well, but if not, these words will only drive Gu Xin'er away.

Ye Rumu felt that it wasn't Gu Xin'er who did it!
Gu Xin'er is not that stupid!

He couldn't help looking at Situ Chuxi, who was looking worried on the side, at least how Situ Chuxi looked at it made people unable to completely feel at ease!

Seeing that Ye Rumu had said that, Baili Chengxuan had no choice but to stay silent and stop talking.

"Saint, tell me." Ye Rumu said to Gu Xin'er when everyone calmed down and no one interrupted.

"If it is found out that you are innocent and framed, your grievances will be cleared, but if this is what you did... we can't do anything to you, we can only ask you to leave!" Ye Rumu He narrowed his eyes and said.

"it is good!"

Gu Xin'er agreed without hesitation, looking very frank!

"First of all, I saw that the people suffered from the fear of the plague, so I wanted to write them a better prescription to prevent the plague. This is what you see!"

Gu Xin'er lifted up the prescription in her hand, so that everyone, including the people trapped outside, could see it.

After being dissuaded, the people calmed down and waited for the result.

"As for the people who grab the medicine, it's the soldiers who grab the medicine. You don't even suspect the soldiers of the Prince Regent, do you?"

"Who is it?" Baili Chengxuan frowned and asked.

Gu Xin'er pointed to the soldiers not far away, "A few of them."

The soldiers who were named immediately stepped forward and said, "We are the ones grabbing the medicine."

Baili Chengxuan took the prescription in Gu Xin'er's hand, and passed it to several soldiers, "Look carefully, is it the medicinal material above?"

After reading it several times, the soldiers said: "Back to the eldest prince, it is indeed written on it! Nothing is missing!"

Baili Chengxuan frowned, "After the saint gave you this prescription, has it been handed over to other people?"

The soldier thought for a while, then a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he said annoyedly: "Before we got the prescription and took the medicine, I kept this prescription in the pharmacy for a long time. Already!"

"Why did you leave the pharmacy?" Gu Xin'er grasped the point and hurriedly asked.

The soldiers thought for a while and said, "There are a few common people! We have told you something, let us solve it!"

The other soldiers also echoed: "Yes, that's right! That's it!"

Hearing this, Gu Xin'er breathed a sigh of relief, and said lightly: "How can there be such a coincidence? It's clear that someone is framing me!"

The others were also silent, and the common people couldn't see the situation clearly.

"Also, Senior Poison Doctor, please take a look, remove the name of the last ingredient on the prescription, what does this prescription look like? The last taste is clearly added by someone!"

(End of this chapter)

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