Chapter 733 Who Framed Who 8
"Elder Prince?" Thinking about it, Ye Rumu couldn't help shouting.

Baili Chengxuan didn't like Pavilion Master Yuexuan in the first place, because he felt that the relationship between Yuexuan and his royal uncle was not simple, and the two of them had always been sorry to his wife, so they had never had a good look towards Yuexuan. !
Baili Chengxuan didn't say anything, and walked directly into the City Lord's Mansion as if he didn't hear Ye Rumu calling him.

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows and looked away, just in time to frown with the poison doctor's gaze, Ye Rumu spread his hands helplessly.

The poison doctor shook his head.

Now that Gu Xin'er has been forced to leave, there is no explanation for the common people.

After knowing Gu Xin'er's identity, the common people stopped pursuing and dispersed one after another.

"Sigh... I didn't expect that the Holy Maiden is such a person... It's nothing more than bickering with me, but... how could she do such a thing? It's really disappointing!" Situ Chuximan Face of regret and pity.

Ye Rumu gave Situ Chuxi a meaningful look, and said lightly: "Okay, now the matter has been settled, let's all go back."

Situ Chuxi nodded, and said with a gentle smile, "Okay!"

Everyone went back to the City Lord's Mansion. As soon as they came in, Ye Rumu saw Baili Chengxuan sitting in the main hall. To be honest, Ye Rumu expressed doubts about the changes in Baili Chengxuan, and Baili Chengxuan came here Not long after, the feeling of being gentle and gentle to everyone and speaking like a spring breeze has disappeared without a trace.

Or, in fact, Baili Chengxuan did this only because he had a problem with her?

Ye Rumu said it was difficult to understand, but since it was difficult to understand, he didn't bother to explain it!
"Yue Xuan, come here."

The poison doctor suddenly called Ye Rumu, Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, and followed the poison doctor to the top floor of the city lord's mansion.

"Old man, what's the matter?"

Ye Rumu asked.

The poison doctor's face was heavy, and he said: "Girl, this Situ Chuxi is not as simple as it looks on the surface, not to mention her surname! There are not many people with the surname Situ in this world. I suspect that she is from that family! "

"What family?" Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows and asked.

Ye Rumu has been in this world for a few years, except for a few countries and the forces in the world, he doesn't know much about many things, so he has no impression of the Situ family that the poison doctor said!

"You don't understand now. I will explain to you slowly about these families in the future. Or, you can ask Baili Yao about these families! Since Situ Chuxi was with Bailiyao before, Li Yao's side, then Bai Liyao should know these families better than me! You know, I have lived in seclusion for a long time." The poison doctor actually doesn't know those families very well, but knows that they are very sharp!
They usually don't appear in front of ordinary people, they are some families that are full of mystery, united but not united!
Why do you say this way?
That's because these families are very united in the face of enemies, but in normal times there are also intrigues between families!
Ye Rumu frowned. Is the poison doctor really not clear, or is he reluctant to say?
Ye Rumu doesn't worry about this, since Bailiyu knows, just wait patiently for Bailiyao to come back!
"Then why did you tell me this?" Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows. Since he didn't intend to tell the family behind Situ Chuxi, why did he mention it?
(End of this chapter)

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