Chapter 735 Who Framed Who 10
He also looked over, and just about to say something, there was a delicate "Brother Yuexuan" from over there!
The poison doctor turned cold, gave Ye Rumu a self-seeking look, and ran away!
He is old, and now the little girl can't understand her thoughts!

He didn't see many little girls, one Gu Xin'er, one Situ Chuxi, and one Ye Rumu, each could refresh his vision more than the other!

Could it be that the little girl nowadays is not normal?The poison doctor is very suspicious!

However, the poison doctor has been living in seclusion in Taibai Mountain, and he doesn't know much about and care about everything in the outside world. If Ye Rumu hadn't gone to him this time, even if the plague had spread to the entire continent, the poison doctor might not know about it!
Ye Rumu originally wanted to leave, but now that Situ Chuxi has called her, it is natural to walk or stand.

"Brother Yuexuan...I'm sorry. Eldest Prince, City Lord Lenghao, I'm sorry, I'm all to blame for causing you trouble! Originally, the common people were not easy to get along with because of the plague, but you touched the common people with your love and actions. But because of me, the common people don’t believe you anymore! All your hard work during this time has been in vain, I’m so sorry!” Situ Chuxi cried even more fiercely after finishing speaking sobbing up!

Baili Chengxuan regained his gentle look, gently comforting Situ Chuxi, telling Situ Chuxi not to worry, and making Ye Rumu narrow his eyes.

Leng Hao was also comforting Situ Chuxi, saying that it was all right, no matter what happened to her, it was Gu Xin'er's fault.

However, Situ Chuxi was still crying!
Ye Rumu was a little ashamed, how heartless is this?
No, no, this is not a glass heart. Situ Chuxi was responsible for this incident. She has a glass heart, but she just wants to cry to gain the love and trust of others, right?
Thinking about it, it is true that weak and weak people are more likely to get sympathy, but when Ye Rumu first established the Yuexuan Pavilion, who had sympathized with her and helped her?

Well, maybe fate is so unfair that it can show the superiority of others!

Baili Chengxuan frowned, and suddenly looked at Ye Rumu with a bit of impatience. It seemed that if it wasn't for Situ Chuxi, Baili Chengxuan would never have looked at her more!

"You don't know how to come here to comfort Xi'er? Xi'er was framed by Gu Xin'er today, and now she is very sad. What's going on with you standing over there?"

Baili Chengxuan's way of doing things and talking now makes people feel uncomfortable, but it is also aimed at Ye Rumu, that is, because it is aimed at Ye Rumu, Ye Rumu's favor towards Baili Chengxuan plummets!
Think about how she provoked the eldest prince?

Could it be because we were too close with Baili Yao before?Too long?

But why is Baili Chengxuan so angry? Could it be that he actually likes Baili Yao?
Ye Rumu seemed to feel that he knew something extraordinary...

And what Baili Chengxuan asked before, is Baili Yao worthy of Ye Rumu?
Ye Rumu felt that she didn't know Baili Chengxuan well, so there was no need for Baili Chengxuan to be angry with her, was there?

Leng Hao couldn't stand it any longer, and shouted: "Pavilion Master Yuexuan, come over and comfort Chu Xi, it's not easy for Chu Xi to be a girl."

Ye Rumu: "..."

It's as easy as she said!
(End of this chapter)

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