Chapter 748 The Threat From Jun Moli 7
"I won't talk to you yet, I'm leaving first." Ye Rumu was about to leave in a hurry.

The poison doctor shook his head helplessly behind Ye Rumu, young people nowadays!Why are you so anxious!
And Ye Rumu left, and everything in Qiangzhou will depend on him alone.

For Baili Chengxuan and Leng Hao, the poison doctor didn't expect anything, after all, they were still young and of the junior generation.

Not everyone is as capable as Ye Rumu and Baili Yao!
Fortunately, the people are getting better now, so the poison doctor just needs to keep an eye on the person behind the scenes to see if there is any movement from that person!


In Xiwu country, in a luxurious and exquisite palace, Conan's eyes were blurred and he was lying in the eyes of the **** that had not subsided.

Conan was so tired that he lay motionless, his eyes were foggy, staring at a place without focus.

At this time, the sound of opening and closing the door came from the entrance of the palace, which finally caught Conan Shuang's attention.

Desire/dissatisfaction flashed across Conan's eyes, but he didn't move, still lying down and waiting for the man to approach.

Someone came to Conan Shuang's bed, opened the bed curtain, and saw Conan Shuang lying carelessly lying on his body without any clothes on his body, he felt a tightness in his abdomen!
"Queen, are you waiting for this king?" The man looked at such a beautiful scenery, licked Tian's chapped lips dryly, and his eyes wandered presumptuously on Conan Shuang.

Conan raised his head slightly, and looked at the man who claimed to be the king, the twelfth brother of the emperor of Xiwu Kingdom, the twelfth prince Fengge.

"Heh." Conan Shuang didn't speak, but just sneered.

Conan Shuang was extremely unwilling to marry to Xiwu country, to marry the old emperor who was already incompetent and had half a foot in the coffin.

But I can still comfort myself, as long as I don't lose my body to Emperor Xiwu, then I still have a chance to marry the emperor's uncle in the future!
who knows?Who knew that the relationship between people in Xiwu Country was so chaotic!
When Conan Shuang first arrived, he realized for the first time what despair is!
To put it bluntly, she is a queen, but in fact?
As long as it's a man!She has to serve!
Can't help but think of Fengxi, Conan feels disgusted!
Living in the palace like Feng Xi's, she's already more than capable of doing this kind of thing!

However, Feng Xi and the people in this palace are all related by blood!How did they do it!
Feng Ge didn't care, smiled and said: "Today, Xi'er is not here, so I will wrong you a bit."

Hearing this, Conan felt even more disgusted!
But what can be done?She wanted to resist, but she couldn't resist!
The Ke family is completely ruined in Dongxing Country, her mother and father can't save her...

And Conan Shuang... already feels numb...

As if he didn't see Feng Ge taking off his clothes one by one, Conan continued to keep silent, closed his eyes, and didn't want to look any more.

Suddenly the position around him lightened!Conan Shuang couldn't help being affected, opened his eyes, and saw Feng Ge reaching out to fuck her somewhere.

Conan's eyes darkened, this is a country full of devils!

Conan Shuang, who was originally innocent and romantic, became silent after experiencing a life that was worse than death during this period of time.

"Wait!" Conan interrupted, knocking Feng Ge's hands off with both hands.

Feng Ge was not angry either, and asked tolerantly: "What's wrong?"

"What I want you to do,

(End of this chapter)

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