Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 751 The Threat From Jun Moli 10

Chapter 751 The Threat From Jun Moli 10
Feng Xi smiled and said: "Of course I went to Qiangzhou to find the prince!"

Conan frowned fiercely, seeing Feng Xi's innocent and heartless smile, he felt very uncomfortable, but he still said: "I also want to go to Qiangzhou to see how the situation is now. "

Conan wrinkled his face in confusion, and said: "Although I really want you to go with me, it will take a long time to go out, and my father may not agree to it? Besides, Qiangzhou is not Is someone watching for us? I will also be in Qiangzhou soon, and I can also watch the situation!"

Conan frowned suddenly and said nothing.

Feng Xi thought that Conan Shuang was angry, so she took the initiative to say: "How about this, Shuang'er, I'll go and talk to Father Huang for you, and just say that I want you to go out with me, how about it?"

Conan pursed his lips, finally raised his head, looked at Feng Xi's face, and nodded, "Okay!"

Feng Xi heaved a sigh of relief, in this palace, only Conan Shuang could be friends with her, so Feng Xi tried her best to satisfy what Conan Shuang wanted to do!

Feng Xi left, Conan stared at Feng Xi's back tightly, and said lightly: "If you hadn't fallen in love with the same man as me, maybe I would sincerely regard you as a friend!"

Feng Xi is worthy of being the treasure in the palm of Emperor Xiwu, and it didn't take long before the matter was settled.

Conan Shuang didn't have any accidents, she just packed her things silently and left the palace with Feng Xi.

Feng Xi and Conan Shuang sneaked into Qiangzhou. After Situ Chuxi received the news that they were coming, he found an excuse to go out, but actually went to pick up Feng Xi and Conan Shuang.

The three of them all knew each other's identity, so no one saluted the other when they met.

Seeing the two of them, Situ Chuxi sized them up and said, "You guys are here."

Conan Shuang and Feng Xi nodded at the same time, and said, "Yes, here we come."

"Where is the prince?" Feng Xi asked impatiently after nodding.

Situ Chuxi frowned, the three were all women who liked Yao, and together, it would be lively!
Situ Chuxi also knew Conan Shuang. When he was in Dongxing Kingdom, Conan Shuang had never concealed his love for Baili Yao!
And this Fengxi is also stupid, she has been in Dongxing country before, but she still trusts Conan so much, she doesn't have any doubts about Conan!
However, these are not important anymore, as long as Situ Chuxi achieves his goal.

Situ Chuxi shook his head and said, "My lord is not in Qiangzhou now."

When Feng Xi heard it, most of the excitement that was originally full was extinguished at once, and she asked sharply: "The prince is not in Qiangzhou? How is it possible? Then why didn't you tell us? Also, what if the prince is not in Qiangzhou?" where?"

Facing Feng Xi's excitement, Situ Chuxi was not annoyed, and said calmly: "I wanted to send you a message, but I never had the chance. Besides, not long after the prince left, I sent you a letter. Maybe you came to Qiangzhou before you received it."

Feng Xi frowned, thought for a while, yes, maybe she missed it!
"Well, where did the prince go?"

Conan, who hasn't seen Baili Yao for almost half a year, wants to know more about this!Staring at Situ Chuxi closely.

Without thinking, Situ Chuxi still shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

(End of this chapter)

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