Chapter 762 Fengxi Request 1
Situ Chuxi really wanted to call Baili Yao to stop and ask about this matter, but seeing that Bai Liyao was so tired and finally came back, if she angered Bai Liyao, what if Baili Yao was impatient to stay here? manage?
What's more, Situ Chuxi couldn't bear to disturb Baili Yao anymore, and wanted Baili Yao to have a good rest!

Baili Yao is gone, and the poison doctor is not here.

In addition, even if the poison doctor was around, Situ Chuxi didn't dare to ask too many things!
So, this can only be asked by Baili Chengxuan!

"Prince, is what the prince said just now true?"

Situ Chuxi showed a look of anticipation on his face, but in his heart was an anxious hope that this matter must not be true!

If it is true, wouldn't their plan be in vain?

Baili Chengxuan also had doubts on his face, how could he know so much?

He probably didn't know as much as Situ Chuxi did!
"This, the prince doesn't know! This is the first time the emperor has mentioned this matter..." Baili Chengxuan was also confused, obviously the common people were not healthy yet!
"Then... has the First Prince noticed any obvious changes in the common people?" Situ Chuxi was afraid of being infected, and usually rarely had contact with them, so he could only ask the First Prince.

Baili Chengxuan shook his head and said, "Nothing has changed, it's still the same!"

Baili Chengxuan remembered that this was what the old doctor said when he went to see it yesterday!

So Baili Chengxuan also wrote it down!
Situ Chuxi showed disappointment on his face, which made people feel that Situ Chuxi was kind!

But don't mention how happy I am!
Great, no one can solve the "plague". In this case, the plan can be carried out again!
Baili Chengxuan also couldn't see what was going on behind Situ Chuxi's expression, seeing her disappointed, he quickly comforted her: "Okay, don't be too disappointed, one day, you will find a way No matter how urgent you are now, it’s useless!”

"But... I'm just worried and anxious! When I think about it, the people are now homeless and suffering from illness, and I feel uncomfortable! But I don't understand anything, and I can't help them! I just Just thinking about it, I feel uncomfortable and panic in my heart!"

As Situ Chuxi said, two crystal clear tears fell from his eyes!

Baili Chengxuan suddenly panicked, and quickly comforted him: "Xi'er, don't be too sad! It's not your fault! It's all us men who are useless, let you worry about it as a woman! Stop crying , it doesn’t look good with a face made of crying!”

Situ Chuxi didn't want to cry at first, but when he heard Baili Chengxuan comforting him like this, he immediately burst out laughing!
"Okay, I won't cry if the eldest prince tells me not to cry." Situ Chuxi said with a curled lip.

Baili Chengxuan nodded, looking at Situ Chuxi, the more he felt that Situ Chuxi was kind, but unfortunately, she was a woman who liked the emperor's uncle.

And... In his heart, Ye Rumu has already been there early!

Now I find that there seems to be no way to let other people blend in!
At least, Baili Chengxuan felt that his heart was resisting!
For the first time and only time, Baili Chengxuan felt dissatisfied with Baili Yao for the first time!

Why do all good girls like Uncle Huang?

Forget it, Uncle Huang not only has a high status, he is also good-looking,
(End of this chapter)

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