Chapter 765 Fengxi Request 4
For the follow-up matters, you can discuss with Leng Hao or Baili Chengxuan. "

Feng Xi was overjoyed just now, and now she was kicked out of Baili Yao's room, feeling a little dissatisfied, and wanted to step forward to say something, but was stopped by Conan Shuang!

Seeing that it was Conan Shuang, Feng Xi frowned in confusion.

Conan shook his head and said to Baili Yao: "Uncle Emperor, we are going out first, you should rest well."

Then, when Feng Xi was extremely reluctant, he forcibly pulled Feng Xi away!
As soon as Feng Xi went out, she immediately pulled off Conan's hands, and asked in confusion, "Shuang'er, why are you stopping me?"

"Xi'er! You have to think about it, now that the emperor is very tired, he must be impatient to deal with us again! Besides, haven't you seen that the emperor doesn't want to talk to us anymore? What else do you want to say? If you let Uncle Huang thinks the two of us are like two children, and he will be even more impatient with us in the future! If everything is good, just accept it!"

Feng Xi frowned, knowing this was the reason, but she was still not very happy. After all, she wanted to meet Baili Yao for so long, but she was about to come out before she said a few words. This kind of aggrieved Feng Xi is really I feel irritated!

"Okay, haven't we settled down smoothly? As long as we live here, we can often see the emperor's uncle. You and the emperor's uncle just don't get along well. I believe the emperor's uncle will find you good in the future!" Conan Double comforted.

"Okay! Then I'll hold back for now! Shuang'er, it's better for you to treat me!" Feng Xi said emotionally.

If there is no reminder from Shuang'er, maybe the prince will hate her now!
Fortunately, there are twins!

"Why are you being polite! Your business is mine! I will definitely help you!" Conan said firmly.

This time, Feng Xi became more convinced of Conan Shuang!
When he came out, he met Baili Chengxuan, and the conversation between the two stopped immediately.

"Brother Cheng Xuan." Conan shouted.

Baili Chengxuan nodded, and shouted in a gentle tone: "Nan Shuang... No, it's time to call you, Empress Xiwu."

Conan's face immediately turned pale, "Brother Cheng Xuan!"

Baili Chengxuan knew that Conan Shuang had been refusing to marry, it was his wrong words!
"I'm sorry, Sister Nanshuang, I said something wrong..." Baili Chengxuan apologized.

Conan took a few deep breaths, suppressed all the gloomy days in Xiwu Palace, calmed down, and said: "It's okay, brother Chengxuan, I care too much, in fact, as long as it doesn't matter so much If you care about it, you will live better, Brother Cheng Xuan, don't you think?"

Baili Chengxuan nodded and agreed: "Yes, the more you care about it, the more you can't let it go, and you will always think about it, Shuang'er, I hope you can let it go and live a good life."

Conan nodded and smiled lightly: "It's okay, isn't it just that you didn't marry the person you like? It's nothing..."

After all, Baili Chengxuan still felt that Conan Shuang was too pitiful!

But... I can't blame anyone... Is it fate?

What is fate?

After listening to the whole process, Feng Xi also felt that Conan was pitiful.

Feng Xi had heard that Conan Shuang also liked Baili Yao before, but after asking, Conan Shuang said no, it was because she admired the uncle too much, others misunderstood, and Feng Xi believed it.

(End of this chapter)

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