Chapter 770 Fengxi Request 9
Out of guilt for Ye Xiaoye, Ye Rumu stayed by his side all day today.

Ye Xiaoye didn't make a fuss either, as if he had forgotten that Ye Rumu was going to leave after today, it was extremely normal.

"Mother, why don't you take Aunt Qingxin Qingxue away." Ye Xiaoye propped his chin and looked at Ye Rumu who was sitting opposite him.

Ye Rumu paused, looked up at Ye Xiaoye, Ye Xiaoye looked at him worriedly, which made Ye Rumu feel sorry for him from the bottom of his heart.

"Ye'er, only when Qingxin and Qingxue are by your side can mother be able to do her own things wholeheartedly. With them by your side, I can rest assured of you. If they leave your side, you have the heart to let mother treat you every day. Are you nervous?"

Ye Rumu asked seriously.

Ye Xiaoye was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "I don't want my mother to worry, and I don't want my mother to be in danger. There is no one around me who can protect my mother."

Ye Rumu shook his head and said with a smile: "Ye'er, the uncles in Yuexuan Pavilion can protect your mother! You have to trust them!"

"Mother, I believe them, but they are men after all!" Ye Xiaoye curled her lips, could it be that mother really considers herself a man, and doesn't need one or two female subordinates by her side.

Ye Rumu laughed, "Mother doesn't need anyone to take care of her!"

Ye Xiaoye thought for a while, yes, mother is an adult now, she doesn't need someone to take care of her...

"Then... where's daddy?" Ye Xiaoye Ever since Ye Rumu came back, Ye Xiaoye hasn't heard anything about Baili Yao from Ye Rumu!
"Your father? Your father has some things to do, and he hasn't come back yet." Mentioning Baili Yao, Ye Rumu frowned worriedly, wondering how Baili Yao is now?

"What is so important that even my mother won't help?" Ye Xiaoye frowned and asked dissatisfied.

Ye Rumu shook his head lightly, and explained for Baili Yao: "Your father doesn't know about this yet, when your father comes back, he will come to help mother."

Ye Rumu didn't know whether Baili Yao would come, or whether Baili Yao's affairs were going well, so he just didn't want to worry Ye Xiaoye by saying this now!
Ye Xiaoye said, "Okay then, mother, you have to take care of yourself! I'll wait for you and daddy to pick me up!"

"Okay!" Ye Rumu smiled lightly.

Early the next morning, Ye Rumu asked Qingxin and Qingxue to gather the twenty people who had been called back together. Looking at the twenty expressionless subordinates in front of him, Ye Rumu secretly sighed, when did everyone become so serious? up.

"My lord!" Seeing Ye Rumu approaching, a group of people shouted in unison.

Ye Rumu nodded, "Are you all ready?"

"Ready!" Twenty people replied in the loudest voice in unison!

Ye Rumu hooked his lips and said, "I think you all know what you are going to do, are you afraid?"

"Since following the Lord, I don't know how to write the word fear! Do you know it?" a person said loudly with a smile.

Others echoed that they were actually illiterate, so they definitely wouldn't do it!
Ye Rumu smiled, this is the group of people she is familiar with.

"Okay! Since that's the case, let's go! Let Xiaoye leave it to you with a clean heart and clear snow. Don't let Xiaoye go down the mountain!" Ye Rumu warned with a serious face.

(End of this chapter)

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