Chapter 772 Fengxi Request 11
Qingxue also nodded in agreement, "This Jun Moli is not a simple character either."

"The little master..."

"Little master, let him stay alone first, nothing will happen!"

"it is good……"

The two looked at the direction where Ye Xiaoye disappeared, and then went about their own business.

As soon as Ye Xiaoye ran away, he ran to the place where the dwarves lived in Yuexuan Pavilion. Looking at the short houses in front of him, Ye Xiaoye couldn't bear it anymore, and sat on the ground sobbing!

At this time, the dwarves were all working in the field. After all, they couldn't rely on Ye Rumu all the time. They also began to plan to be self-sufficient!

Ye Xiaoye didn't know how long she cried, but when she raised her head again, she looked blankly at the place in front of her.

"what happened to you?"

A small female voice suddenly sounded, Ye Xiaoye was startled!
Looking sideways, he saw a little girl standing on his right, looking at him curiously.

Ye Xiaoye curled his lips and said, "It's nothing!"

The little girl blinked her eyes, looked at Ye Xiaoye, frowned and said: "But you have been crying for a long time!"

Ye Xiaoye's face turned red immediately, he is a big man, and he was watched by a little girl and cried for a long time?

"When did you come?" Ye Xiaoye asked awkwardly.

The little girl flicked her double braids, "Not long after you came, I came, but you didn't notice me all the time, you were too focused on crying!"

The little girl said seriously.

Ye Xiaoye's face looks more like ripe!
Angrily said: "Who told you to peek at me crying! Why are you so rude!"

The little girl pursed her lips aggrievedly, and said in disbelief, "But you just sit here openly... I'm not peeking, and it's not that you can't come here, I live in the house behind you!"

The little girl knew that this boy was the child of the savior of their entire dwarf clan, so the little girl didn't call him when she arrived before, out of respect for him!

"You!" Ye Xiaoye frowned, and finally pouted, deciding not to argue with such a short kid, "What's your name?"

When Ye Xiaoye asked her name, the little girl turned pale with fright!

It's over, if he goes to sue, Father will definitely punish her!
The little girl was flustered in her heart, and looked at Ye Xiaoye with wild eyes.

But still didn't dare to hide it, and said weakly: "My name is Aye..."

"Aye?" Ye Xiaoye read it again, frowned, and said flatly, "Why do you have the same name as me?"

A Ye opened his mouth in surprise, and asked softly, "Then what's your name?"

"My name is Ye Xiaoye." Ye Xiaoye said with a curled lip.

Aye was thoughtful, their benefactor was called Ye Rumu, and I heard that her son was also named Ye, so what he said should be true!Did not learn from her.

"It does seem like it! Does it mean that we are destined? We will be friends in the future!" Aye stretched out his small hand, wanting to shake hands with Ye Xiaoye.

Ye Xiaoye blinked, turned her head aside arrogantly, and said coldly: "Who wants to be friends with you! No!"

A Ye's hand suddenly stayed in the air in embarrassment, but A Ye didn't do much, after all, it was her fault first, and it was right for people not to shake hands with her and be friends!
"Well, why are you here... crying? Is it because of something sad?"

(End of this chapter)

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