Chapter 775 A Ye 2
"Aunt Qingxin Qingxue also go back to rest early!"


The next morning, when Ye Xiaoye woke up, he was already alive and well!
Ye Xiaoye thought of the Ah Ye from yesterday, and pursed his lips. It was the first time he heard someone whose name was so similar to him!Ye Xiaoye always wanted to visit her again!
So Ye Xiaoye did the same, and went directly to the place where he squatted yesterday.

Ah Ye really lives in this neighborhood. Seeing Ye Xiaoye coming, he looked at it curiously for a long time, mainly because today Ye Xiaoye not only changed his clothes, but also had a white strip of cloth on his forehead!Looks injured?

Ah Ye remembered that her mother had said that if she was injured, she had to eat more to make up for it, so she put all the nutritious things in the house that could be taken away into a basket and brought them out.

"Xiaoye." Aye shouted after walking behind Ye Xiaoye.

When Ye Xiaoye heard that it was Aye's voice, she turned around and saw that it was indeed, she was happy in her heart at first, but even the one above was very stinky, with a proud expression.

"Why are you injured? Does it hurt?" Aye didn't mind if Ye Xiaoye agreed to her words, and went forward, took out a small bird's egg from the basket, and handed it to Ye Xiaoye, smiling Said: "This is the biggest bird's egg, very nutritious! Eat it for you!"

Ye Xiaoye took it, looked at the bird egg that took up more than half of Aye's palm and only a small place in his own, curled his lips and said, "But it's not enough for me to eat! You should eat it!"

Ye Xiaoye handed it to Aye again.

A Ye quickly waved his hand and said, "It's okay, you can eat! You are injured, you just need to make up for it!"

Ye Xiaoye just remembered, touched the back of his head, waved his hand indifferently and said: "It's okay, I just accidentally bumped into it last night!"

"It was the brain that was hit, and it should be repaired!"

"What do you mean!" Ye Xiaoye's eyes widened immediately!If you want him to make up his mind, does it mean that his brain is not good?
Aye looked at Ye Xiaoye in a daze, seeing that Ye Xiaoye was a little angry, and thought about it a few times before he realized what Ye Xiaoye meant!
Immediately shaking his head and waving his hands, "No, no, that's not what I meant!"

"Hmph!" Ye Xiaoye snorted arrogantly, she didn't want to eat the bird's egg just now, so she peeled off and ate it before she knew it...

Aye smiled secretly, feeling more and more that the benefactor's son is cute!
"By the way, Xiao Ye, why are you here today?" Aye asked.

Yesterday, because of sadness, I came here to cry.

What about today?

You don't look sad today, do you?

"I just think it's quiet here, so I just want to come and sit."

"Huh? Isn't the benefactor's side quieter?" Aye looked at the huge building over there in doubt, and asked suspiciously.

Being exposed, Ye Xiaoye's face turned red immediately, and he said angrily, "Where I want to go is none of your business!"

Aye: "..."

Well, is the cutie pissed off? This is it?
After that, Aye didn't speak, neither did Ye Xiaoye, the two just sat there.

If you are hungry, eat what Aye brings.

But what A Ye brought was not enough for Ye Xiaoye to squeeze between his teeth!

Aye also discovered this. Humans eat much more than dwarves...

"Well, there are still things in the house, do you want me to bring some for you?"

(End of this chapter)

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