Chapter 783 Where did Baili Yao go 2
Although my temper has become gloomy and unstable recently, I think I can't get what I want most in this life, and I can't achieve my obsession. Don't you also think that I have become unreasonable? "Situ Chuxi also knows that she is completely beyond recognition now, and she is no longer the high-ranking, kind and pure young lady of the Situ family.

Actually speaking of being kind and pure, Situ Chuxi himself wanted to laugh a little. In a big family like Situ's family, who is cleaner than whom?
Ling'er shook her head suddenly, and said firmly: "Miss, no matter what kind of person you become, in my heart, you will always be the most beautiful, miss, if you stop here, is it because you don't have that kindness in your heart?" I'm ashamed..."

If Ling'er had known about this early in the morning, she would not have let Situ Chuxi do it, otherwise, it would have cost countless lives and condemned by conscience.

"Stop it? It's too late! Feng Xi and Conan Shuang will continue. If I break up with them, they will definitely not let it go. Ling'er, no matter what I say, she is also the eldest lady of the Situ family. If This kind of thing has spread, let others think about our Situ family..."

Situ Chuxi bit her lips, even if she left the Situ family, but in Situ Chuxi's heart, the first reaction was to protect the reputation of the Situ family.

"Miss, it's fine if you don't regret it..." Ling'er gritted her teeth, and didn't try to persuade her anymore. In fact, at this point, it's not like she can stop if she wants to.

Feng Xi and Conan Shuang, did not expect that one of them is the princess of Xiwu, the other is the former princess of Dongxing, and now the queen of Xiwu, they will be so unscrupulous for their own purposes!
Situ Chuxi smiled wryly, regretting it, not regretting it?is that useful?
Sudden!A ball of paper was thrown in through the window!

Situ Chuxi frowned, looked at the ball of paper on the ground, and looked outside, the people outside had already disappeared.

"Miss..." Ling'er bit her lip, looked at the ball of paper, and waited for Situ Chuxi to speak.

"Go and pick it up." Situ Chuxi said out loud.

Ling'er nodded, approached the ball of paper, picked it up and handed it to Situ Chuxi, "Miss."

Situ Chuxi took it, and opened the ball of paper, which said, keep her distance from Baili Yao, otherwise she will be attractive!
Such a naive note, one can tell at a glance that it was written by that little princess Feng Xi!
Situ Chuxi smiled mockingly, and put the note on the table.

Linger was curious and asked, "Miss, what is written on it?"

"Look at it for yourself!" Situ Chuxi raised the note towards Ling'er, signaling Ling'er to go and see for himself.

Ling'er picked it up curiously and looked at it. After looking at it, her face was a little weird, "Miss, why did she warn you to keep a distance from the prince?"

"Because he likes Yao too! Ling'er, you have never loved anyone before, so naturally you don't understand this kind of possessiveness." Situ Chuxi said amusedly, but he didn't take this threat seriously.

Anyway, Baili Yao had already left, who would she go near?
In the final analysis, they are just a few tragic women who feel sorry for each other.

"I don't understand...but the prince has already left, don't they know?" Ling'er was curious.

Situ Chuxi smiled, "If I hadn't happened to look for Yao, I wouldn't have known about Yao's departure.
(End of this chapter)

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