Chapter 789 Looking for Baili Yao 4
There are a total of 22 people behind the two.

Jun Mo was completely dumbfounded seeing so few people!
Thinking that I made a mistake, I counted it over and over again!
But no matter how he counted, there is nothing wrong with so many people!

The cold sweat on Jun Mo's forehead began to break out, if the head of the sect found out... this...

However, everyone has already arrived, so Jun Mo can't just do nothing, not to mention, maybe his army is still behind?

Jun Mo quickly stepped forward, bent over Baili Yao and Ye Rumu, and said dog-leggedly, "It must be the Regent King and Yuexuan Pavilion Master, right?"



The two responded in unison.

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, glanced at Baili Yao, and smiled, Baili Yao is always such a simple word "um", it can directly block the conversation, so that the person in front of him doesn't know what to say what is good.

"Uh... um, I'm a subordinate of the master of the Shendao Sect, and my name is Jun Mo! The two of you are here first, are you still behind?" Jun Mo looked behind them suspiciously, and asked with a smile road.

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, and asked suspiciously, "Who?"

Jun Mo was stunned, didn't you want you to bring someone here?What does it mean to ask him who he is?
"Well, Pavilion Master Yuexuan, you promised to bring people to help our sect master overcome this difficulty. Could it be... just these few people?" Jun Mo asked in disbelief.

Ye Rumu turned around and glanced at the twenty people behind him, raised his eyebrows, and asked in more surprise than Jun Mo: "This is half of the people in Yuexuan Pavilion, why are you still not satisfied? Besides, I just You promised the head of the noble family to help him, but you didn’t promise to help him with the whole pavilion? I don’t even have to eat in the Yuexuan Pavilion?”

Ye Rumu asked in a dissatisfied tone.

"If you dislike our small number of people, it doesn't matter, we'll just let them go back!" Ye Rumu turned around as he said that, and wanted to call people to leave.

Jun Mo was frightened, and hurriedly stepped forward to stop Ye Rumu, and said with an apologetic smile: "Pavilion Yuexuan, it's a small mistake! I know my mistake! Pavilion Master Yuexuan, please don't fight with me if you have a lot of people. I'm so petty! Pavilion Master Yuexuan, please come inside!"

Jun Mo was shocked, if Ye Rumu left like this, then Jun Moli would definitely blame him for this matter!
Jun Mo doesn't want to be charged with such a crime!
Ye Rumu snorted coldly, glanced at Jun Mo coldly, and led the people in.

Jun Mo wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, it's okay, it's okay, if he offends someone, he still doesn't know how to explain to the sect master!

Baili Yao secretly laughed in his heart, Ye Rumu is a woman who loves and hates clearly, she must repay her revenge, and she must repay her kindness, this time, Jun Moli completely provoked Ye Rumu!But don't say that Ye Rumu is angry, Baili Yao, who is Ye Rumu's husband, is also angry!

Ye Rumu walked in, and Jun Mo hurriedly took the path to tell Jun Moli that Ye Rumu and Baili Yao had arrived!
As soon as Jun Moli heard about it, there was no movement, and he forgot to ask how many people Baili Yao and Ye Rumu had brought, but he just glanced at Jun Mo and ordered, "Go and bring people here. .”

"Master, why don't you go and greet him?" Jun Mo thought about it, isn't it good for the master?

Jun Moli looked at Jun Mo amusedly, "Now they have to ask the master not to take
(End of this chapter)

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