Chapter 799 Looking for Baili Yao 14
"Do you know who this princess is?"

The guard also frowned, looked at Feng Xi strangely and asked: "Who are you? Claiming to be a princess? Can you still be the sister of our sect master? Our sect master doesn't have a sister! As for the others, whoever you are Who! Either you have a letter from our sect master or the sect master has an appointment to meet you, you don't have a problem if you want to go in."

"You! This princess is not your sect master's younger sister. This princess is the only little princess in Xiwu Country. This princess tells you, you must not offend this princess! Otherwise, you will look good!"

Feng Xi said angrily.

In the past, no matter where she went, no one dared to stop her, but now this unknown guard dared to stop her?
Conan covered his face, sometimes he felt ashamed to be with Feng Xi!
But who made Feng Xi stupid... She can only reluctantly stay by Feng Xi's side!
Conan quickly grabbed Fengxi and persuaded: "Xi'er, didn't I tell you before that when you are away from home, it is no better than being in Xiwu country. Except for Xiwu country, you are no longer a princess!"

"Okay! Then what do you want to let us in?" Feng Xi asked the guard after an awkward reply.

Seeing Feng Xi's attitude is so bad, the guard didn't want to talk to her anymore, rolled his eyes, and walked back coolly!
Conan took a double look, and glared at Feng Xi for an instant. Is this Feng Xi really useless other than making trouble?
Conan quickly chased after him and asked, "Is the regent here with you?"

The guard ignored Conan Shuang, showing that he was very angry!

Seeing that the guards ignored Conan Shuang, Feng Xi always felt that it was more uncomfortable than ignoring herself, and wanted to say something, but Conan Shuang refused to let her speak, so she had to give up!

"I am the niece of the Prince Regent, Princess Nanshuang." Seeing the guards not stopping, Conan quickly frowned and reported his identity.

When the guard heard this, he stopped immediately, turned around and looked at Conan Shuang.

Conan Shuang hurriedly said: "We are here to find Uncle Huang because we have something important to do. If you don't believe me, you can report to Uncle Huang and tell Uncle Huang that Conan Shuang is here, and Uncle Huang will know about it!"

The guard saw that what Conan Shuang said was so serious, he didn't look like a lie, and his attitude was not that bad.

Thinking, although people in their Jianghu are not afraid of these royal family members, they will not offend them if they have nothing to do, so they nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go and report to the prince, you just wait here for a while!"

"Okay! Thank you." Conan Shuangjian guard agreed, and immediately showed him a bright smile!
All of a sudden, the dissatisfaction with Feng Xi in the guard's heart disappeared!

Still sighing in my heart: Princess Nanshuang still knows how to be a man!
The guards left, and Conan Shuang breathed a sigh of relief. Compared with the previous proud and indulgent, Conan Shuang now has many edges and corners worn away, and has become more thoughtful.

In fact, in her opinion, as long as the goal can be achieved, everything else is not that important!
The guard walked all the way to the courtyard where Baili Yao and Ye Rumu lived, first explaining his purpose outside, and after Baili Yao let him in, the guard went in.

As soon as the guard entered, he saw Pavilion Master Yuexuan and Baili Yao seeming to be chatting about something, and smiled apologetically, "Regent, Pavilion Master Yuexuan!"

"What's the matter?" Baili Yao raised his eyebrows and asked briefly.

(End of this chapter)

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