Chapter 806 Fighting 1
"Of course not! Uncle Emperor, when did I go back on what I promised you?" Conan asked boldly.

Baili Yao raised his eyebrows. In fact, he didn't have much communication with Conan Shuang before, so Bai Li Yao didn't know much about Conan Shuang. He only knew that Conan Shuang was very clingy!

"The meal is almost ready! Shuang'er, get someone to prepare it!"

Outside, there was Feng Xi's excited voice, which made Conan's body tremble with fright.

But he still replied calmly: "Okay! Got it!"

Conan looked at Baili Yao, then at Ye Rumu, and said, "Uncle Emperor, Pavilion Master Yuexuan, then I'll go get ready first."

"Go." Baili Yao nodded and said lightly.

Conan walked towards the kitchen, Feng Xi noticed Conan's arrival, and excitedly said to her: "Shuang'er! Since I went back, I have been practicing cooking hard, and now I have improved a lot. Can't get into the mouth of the prince!"

Feng Xi turned her back to Conan Shuang, not seeing the sarcasm at the corner of Conan Shuang's mouth.

Conan feels that Feng Xi is really enough!
Obviously, the emperor's uncle had treated her like that before, but he still didn't know how to stay away, and instead rushed forward even more strenuously!
But don't talk about Fengxi... Isn't she the same with Conan Shuang?

Knowing that the emperor uncle would not like her, even if he did, he would not accept the whole world's pointing and pointing for her!

But Conan Shuang just couldn't help herself and fell in love...

What's wrong with this?Probably, the wrong thing is that you should not fall in love.

Thinking about it, I was a little dazed.

Feng Xi turned around and saw Conan Shuang in a daze, raised her eyebrows and asked, "Shuang'er, what's wrong with you?"

Conan suddenly raised his head, shook his head, and said with a smile: "It's okay... I'm just thinking about things and getting fascinated for a while!"

"Hehe, don't think about it, help me quickly and bring the dishes over." Feng Xi said with a smile.

She is a majestic princess, and she is able to cook for Bai Liyao. Presumably Bai Liyao must be very touched at this moment, right?

Thinking about it, Feng Xi's mood became even better!

"Okay." Conan Shuang forced a smile, took the plate from Feng Xi, put it on the dining table, and called Pavilion Master Yuexuan and Baili Yao over.

Looking at the exquisite dishes, Conan raised his eyebrows. It seems that Feng Xi has really put his heart into learning it!
Soon, all the dishes were served, and several people tasted them one by one. I have to say that Fengxi's cooking skills are really good!
"My lord, try this... How does it taste!" Feng Xi kept staring at Baili Yao the whole time, seeing that Baili Yao had eaten a lot, she was in a good mood and wanted to give Baili Yao a piece of chicken in front of her.

Baili Yao frowned, but he didn't hold out a bowl to accept it, nor did he refuse.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward for a while, Feng Xi felt that she was almost tired of holding up the chopsticks, but Baili Yao didn't speak, Feng Xi didn't dare to just throw it into his bowl...

"My lord..." Feng Xi shouted with embarrassment.

Baili Yao glanced at her indifferently, and asked, "Huh?"

The corners of Ye Rumu's lips twitched, he didn't know that Feng Xi wanted to bring him vegetables, he hasn't found out yet, right?

"This looks pretty good, Princess Fengxi, he doesn't want it, why don't you give it to me?" Ye Rumu knew that Baili Yao would not stretch out the bowl, because Baili Yao didn't like others to serve him food.

Of course, unless it's her and Ye Xiaoye,
(End of this chapter)

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