Chapter 814 Clarification 5
And I have no chance to say it!Until later, I learned to be smart, and begged Princess Fengxi to bring me to Dongxing Kingdom!Perhaps Princess Fengxi saw that I was worth some use, and wanted to use me to get closer to the emperor's uncle, so she agreed to bring me here together!If you don't believe me, you can ask Uncle Huang, it was Uncle Huang who rescued me from Princess Fengxi! "

Conan's face was full of solemnity, making others think that she would not lie!

"Prince Regent, is what Queen Ke said true?"

The common people saw that Conan Shuang mentioned Baili Yao, so they asked.

If it is true what Conan Shuang said, then the death feud between Dongxing Country and Xiwu Country will be forged!
Bailiyu squinted his eyes suspiciously, Fengxi alone has such abilities?

"Shuang'er, are you sure everything you said is true? I didn't know that Princess Fengxi had such great power in Xiwu country!" Bailiyu asked suspiciously.

"Your Majesty, this matter is absolutely true! But Princess Fengxi is not the only one who did it alone. Several of Fengxi's elder brothers actually participated in it, and one, a rather special person, also participated in it! This matter Uncle Huang is also the clearest about the matter!" Conan said with a double oath.

"Special person? Tell me, who is it?" Baili Yu frowned, why did another mysterious person get involved?
"The eldest lady of the Situ family of the hidden family! I believe the emperor is not unfamiliar, right? Don't I need to name her name?" Conan Shuang didn't call her name, I believe Bailiyu knew it!

Bailiyu was stunned for a moment!
Why did that person join in?

During Bailiyu's silence, Baili Yao finally spoke. He said lightly, "This matter was indeed done by Xiwu Kingdom. The purpose is to bring down my Dongxing Kingdom!"

As soon as Baili Yao opened his mouth, the common people basically believed it!
But... many people still have doubts. After all, this matter also involves the princess regent, but now the princess regent doesn't even know where she is!

"Since this is the case, then the regent, do you know where the regent princess is? Besides, why does Fengxi want us to exchange the princess for the antidote?" Someone asked directly in front of Baili Yao.

"About this matter, it's actually easy to understand! Fengxi likes the emperor's uncle, I believe everyone knows it! Not long ago, Fengxi was the future side concubine of the regent of my Dongxing Kingdom, but later because of Fengxi's own The reason is that the marriage was not successful! But Feng Xi has always been worried about this matter. Feng Xi has always liked the emperor's uncle, but when she was about to marry the emperor's uncle, this dream was in vain! Of course Feng Xi was angry! Then she Those who can vent their anger must be the uncle's wife and children! So, do you understand why Fengxi is targeting the wife of the emperor?"

After Conan Shuang finished speaking, the people below fell silent.

Although Conan Shuang is unwilling to call Ye Rumu the emperor's wife, but for the sake of the emperor's uncle, it's no big deal to be wronged now!
Baili Yao also went on to say: "When something like this happens, everyone's first thought will be to catch this king's concubine and children, and they will not consider whether they are innocent or not. Now that the matter has been clarified, my king's The concubine's friend, a hidden expert poison doctor, has also developed an antidote, and soon Qiangzhou will no longer be a dead city. By then,
(End of this chapter)

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