Chapter 820 Clarification 11
At this moment, Bailiyu misses the Ye family so much!

"Well, princess, since you're all back, what about the rest of the Ye family? When will your father come back?" Bailiyu rolled his eyes and asked.

Ye Rumu shook his head and sighed: "I don't know where my father and the others are, and if they were killed. If I knew, I would definitely take my father with me and stop letting my father and sisters live in hiding again." But... alas... It's fine if my father doesn't come, but if I come back and see the destruction of the Ye Mansion, I don't know how sad I would be! All the previous things of the Ye family have been robbed by the people gone!"

Bailiyu's eyelids twitched seeing Ye Rumu say this in such a frustrated way!
The Ye family... It is said that it was indeed destroyed.

But if Dongxing Kingdom loses the Ye family...

That would be Dongxing Country's loss!

"Princess, don't worry, I will definitely make decisions for your Ye family!" Bailiyu promised.

Ye Rumu still sighed, and said helplessly: "Things have already happened, what else can the emperor do? I don't know if I can get back the Ye family's things!"

Bailiyu quickly comforted: "Princess! Don't worry, I will definitely find you a lot of things! You can just wait for it!"

Saying that, Baili Yu stopped staying in the Prince Regent's Mansion, turned around and walked out, saying: "I remember something, let's go first!"

Bailiyu left, Ye Rumu looked at Bailiyao and smiled.

"Speaking of which, I really don't know where my father and the others have gone! But thinking about the state of the Ye family, maybe it's right for them not to come back!"

"Don't worry, lady, just wait a few more days, and the Ye family will definitely recover." Baili Yao said with a faint smile.

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, looked at Baili Yao, and asked with a funny smile, "Do you want to help Ye's family recover?"

Baili Yao shook his head and said, "The person who is going to do this has just left."

Ye Rumu smiled, he understood!

Isn't it Bailiyu who is going to do this?

"Let's go, let's go and see that person in Tianyu Miaojiang first." Baili Yao said while holding Ye Rumu's hand.

Ye Rumu nodded, let Baili Yao hold her hand, and followed Baili Yao to the place where Miao Jiang was being held.

Originally, the man Miao Jiang was tied to a chair, but thinking that Baili Yao didn't know when he would come back, he couldn't let this man sit like this all the time, so he found a cell and locked him in!
The cell door was opened, and light flooded in.

The people inside suddenly narrowed their eyes, because they hadn't seen the light for a long time, and they narrowed their eyes unaccustomed for a while.

Baili Yao and Ye Rumu walked in, looked at the man, and said nothing.

"Prince Regent? Hehe, you're back? When did you let me go!" Miao Jiang seemed to know Baili Yao's identity already.

Baili Yao was not surprised, raised his eyebrows faintly, and said: "As long as you tell me where the Tianyu Miaojiang is, this king will let you go. No matter what you are going to do, this king will not let you go." Interfere again."

The man stared at Baili Yao vigilantly, and asked, "What is your intention to inquire about the Miao Border of our Tianyu again and again?"

"The fire poison of Miaojiang in your Tianyu, I believe you are not unfamiliar with it?" Baili Yao asked lightly.

"What do you mean?" The man from Tianyu Miaojiang heard Huodu's name,

(End of this chapter)

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