Chapter 824 Looking for Ye Family 1
Since Marven Ye was still able to receive it, it was because he hadn't hid at that time.

And the common people had already decided on the Ye family's idea, so they kept guarding the front door and the back door of the Ye family. Ye Wensheng also brought a group of women with him, so they probably couldn't escape.

Then, the only way is to go through the mechanism!
Ye Rumu has come into contact with many traps, so it is not very difficult to find them. If there are no places, he will change them once he goes through them.

"Kacha..." After Ye Rumu pressed heavily on a certain part of Ye Rumu's contact, he actually pressed it down!

"Mother..." Ye Xiaoye hugged Ye Rumu's thigh and hid behind Ye Rumu.

Ye Rumu patted Ye Xiaoye's head, "Don't be afraid."

Seeing that he just pressed it, and there was no other response, Ye Rumu was depressed.


Suddenly, a booming sound rang out in front of Ye Rumu and the others!A stone wall in front of him slowly went up!

Ye Rumu hurriedly pulled Ye Xiaoye back, frowning as he watched the stone wall slowly go up.

"Wow~" Ye Xiaoye was not afraid, but exclaimed as she watched the stone wall go up.

The corners of Ye Rumu's mouth twitched. Does this brat know he's afraid?Fortunately, she just comforted him not to be afraid!
Now it seems that she is thinking too much!
The stone wall was opened, and Ye Rumu's guess was verified. Ye Wensheng and the rest of the family were really still in Ye's house, or they left Ye's house from here!
Because of this place, Ye Rumu didn't know about it!

Maybe it's a place that no one knows except Marven Ye!
Thinking about it, Ye Rumu looked at the dark tunnel and asked Qing Xin to light some torches.

Qing Xin quickly followed suit, and when she came back, she had two torches in her hands.

Ye Rumu reached out to take one, and the other hand led Ye Xiaoye to walk in front.

Looking at the road, Ye Rumu frowned.

"Mother, will grandfather and the others be here?" Ye Xiaoye asked curiously, tilting her head.

Ye Rumu shook his head, uncertain: "I don't know, but I should be here!"

Before they had walked for a long time, the stone wall behind was suddenly closed!

Ye Rumu's eyes deepened. It seems that there is a time limit for the stone wall to stand up!

"My lord, be careful!" Qingxue looked at Ye Rumu worriedly, and was very worried about Ye Rumu's behavior of walking in the front without any precautions.

"It's okay, let's go." Ye Rumu knew that since Ye Wensheng regarded this place as an escape, there was no need to set up any traps.

After all, everyone has time to forget. If you forget for a while and step on it, it will be bad!
The tunnel is very long, but Ye Rumu knows that in fact, this distance has not left Ye's house!

Continue walking for about half a quarter of an hour before seeing the light from the front!

After walking out, a house suddenly appeared in front of them, and there were cliffs everywhere!

At this time, Ye Rumu finally understood why the Ye family was built in such a remote place!
Not only because the place is big and quiet, but also because the cliff behind is a good place to escape at a critical moment!

And this place is exactly the extra flat land from the underground place!
It's just behind the Ye Mansion, no one would think of going around here to have a look!It has never been discovered!
Because of the shock, he just stood there and didn't leave.

(End of this chapter)

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