Chapter 829 Looking for Ye Family 6
Doubts come and go, all doubts are wrong!
And let the real behind-the-scenes man escape all the time!

"Mother, let's not think too much about it, let's go in first! Ye Rumu can come in, maybe there is nothing wrong outside!" Ye Ruping said.

Mrs. Zhang nodded, and finally told Ye Ruping: "You must not fight against Ye Rumu! At least not in front of your father! Your father is still ashamed of her for the incident a few years ago. What! Your father can keep you all the time, which means that you are still very important in your father's heart! But your father also has a bottom line. "

"Mother, don't worry, I know! Since you suspect Ye Ruqing, you should investigate Ye Ruqing first! Let's leave the matter of Ye Rumu alone!" Ye Ruping doesn't have the heart to care about Ye Rumu now, anyway. Now Ye Rumu is not in the way of her other than being the princess regent!

Mrs. Zhang breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Ye Ruping had hated Ye Rumu for so many years, and she would not be able to let it go at this time!

As soon as the two walked in, they saw the joyful appearance of the people inside, and immediately felt squeezed out!
The two looked at each other and walked over.

"Father, now I know who is behind the scenes of the plague, and my charges have been cleared. The Ye family has been destroyed by the people..."

"What did you say? The Ye family was destroyed? Then what should we do? Where will we live in the future!"

Before Ye Rumu finished speaking, Ye Ruping couldn't help but interject.

Ye Wensheng frowned, "This is not something you should worry about, right? You are a married girl after all, do you still want to stay in the Ye family forever?"

Ye Ruping didn't dare to speak immediately.

Ye Ruqing originally wanted to ask such a question, but thought that Ye Ruping would ask it first.Sure enough, when Ye Ruping asked, Ye Wensheng directly said that Ye Ruping was no longer from the Ye family.

When Ye Ruqing saw Ye Ruping like this, he felt so happy!

"I'm not finished yet."

Ye Rumu continued: "Because Dongxing Kingdom is seriously short of financial resources and manpower, they naturally want to curry favor with the Ye family. Therefore, the emperor has sent people to repair the Ye family. As long as they go out, they can stay. But father, our Ye family has no way to support the country, right?"

Ye Rumu looked at Ye Wensheng with deep eyes, she believed that Ye Wensheng could understand.

Sure enough, Marven Ye nodded.

Now that they can go out, the group of people don't want to live in hiding here anymore, so they pack up and prepare to go back.

Since Ye Rumu is here, he naturally wants to help.

After the Ye family had just gone back to live for a day, the emperor sent someone to let Ye Wensheng into the palace!

Ye Rumu had expected it a long time ago, he happened to stay at Ye's house all the time, and this time he just happened to be able to enter the palace with Ye Wensheng!

At this time, Ye Wensheng realized why Ye Rumu came to tell them about the end of the crisis and did not return to the palace. It turned out that it was all because of him...

"Mu'er, there is one thing that Dad has always wanted to ask you."

"Father ask."

"Mu'er, how do you know the location of the secret passage? If no one reminds me of that location, I'm afraid you won't find it! Besides, there's something blocking it!"

Ye Rumu smiled and said, "Father, if I tell you that I rely on my feelings, would you believe me?"

(End of this chapter)

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